Eastern Mojave Vegetation North Table Loop, Jefferson County, Colorado  

Tom Schweich  

Home Page  Circumnavigates North Table Mountain and then some.



Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:   dev. trlhds.;
• Wyoming Circle:   at trailhead;
• North Table Loop:   at N Table Mtn;
• Field Notes:  Friday, 3 October;

Locations: North Table Mountain Park.
Full Size ImageNorth Table Mountain Trailhead  

North Table Loop Trailhead

Junction: North Table Loop, which starts with a steep constant grade up the old quarry road to the south east.

Other articles:
• North Table Mountain Trail:   at N Table Loop;  

Junction: North Table Mountain Trail, a City of Golden trail, and road to water tank.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   8 Nov 2015;
Full Size ImageOld Quarry Road, now part of North Table Loop.  

  Small catchment basin, and game trail onto lower mesa to north.

Other articles:
• Social Trail:   at n tbl lp;
• Field Notes:  Thursday, March 3rd;
Full Size ImageNorth end of Social Trail.  

Junction: Social Trail, south, above the water tank to the North Table Mountain Trail.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  8 Jun 2018;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Physocarpus monogynus on North Table Mountain.  

Physocarpus below the quarry road.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Thursday, March 3rd;
Full Size ImageWater-lain sediments between two basalt flows.  

Outcrop of sandstone and conglomerate between basalt flows.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  9 Jun 1976;  25 Jun 1976;  Friday, 3 October;
Full Size ImageLooking down the North Table Loop trail  


Other articles:
• North Quarry Climbing Access Trail:   at n. end;  

Junction: Climbing Access Trail

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Friday, April 22nd;
Full Size ImageNorth Quarry climbing area.
Full Size ImageTop of the quarry road.  

View of climbing area from North Table Loop near the Tilting Mesa Trail.



Other articles:
• Tilting Mesa Trail:   at N Table Lp;
• Field Notes:  Thursday, March 3rd;

Locations: North Table Mountain.
Full Size ImageThe North Table Loop heads south.  

North Table Mountain

Junction: Tilting Mesa Trail

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1407, 8 Jun 2016;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1407, Oenothera cespitosa var. macroglottis  

At the north end of the spoils pile there is a taller pile with an Oenothera on the west-facing slope.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1404, 8 Jun 2016;   Coll. No. 1405, 8 Jun 2016;
Full Size ImagePartially dissected head of Coll. No. 1404, Townsendia grandiflora
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1405, fragments of an Astragalus, maybe A. shortianus  

Spoils pile to east of North Table Loop. Location of several collections, including Cryptantha virgata, Townsendia grandiflora, and Oenothera cespitosa.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Coll. No. 1095, 30 Apr 2015;  

Location of Nothocalais cuspidata, Coll. No. 1095.

Other articles:
• North Quarry Climbing Access Trail:   at s. end;
• Field Notes:  Friday, April 22nd;
Full Size ImageTrail Junction: Trail to North Quary Climbing Area and Sea Cliffs.  

Junction: (trail through Sea Cliffs)

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Friday, April 22nd;
Full Size ImageTop of North Table Mountain.  

View south from trail junction.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Coll. No. 1094, 40 Apr 2015;
Full Size Image Habitat of Coll. No. 1094, Viola nuttallii
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1094, Viola nuttallii  

Collection No. 1094, Viola nuttallii

Other articles:
• Spur Social Trail:   at N Table Mtn Loop;  

Junction: Social Trail, west, down the rim, and to North Table Mountain Trail (City of Golden).

Other articles:
• Golden Cliffs Trail:   at N Tbl Loop;
• Climbing Access Trail:   at N Table Mtn Lp;
Full Size ImageJunction of Golden Cliffs Trail with North Table Loop Trail  

Junction: Golden Cliffs Trail

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1402, 8 Jun 2016;
Full Size ImageAstragalus agrestis
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1402, Astragalus agrestis  

Astragalus agrestis in the small swale between North Table Loop and the Golden Cliffs Trail.

Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:  Myosurus minimus;
• Field Notes:  Thursday, June 2nd;
Full Size ImageTiny Mousetails (Myosurus minimus) on top of North Table Mountain.  

Tiny Mousetails (Myosurus minimus) and Foothills Arnica (Arnica fulgens). Also found here Veronica peregrina var. xalapensis.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Coll. No. 1274, 29 Jul 2015;  Coll. No. 1275, 29 Jul 2015;  Coll. No. 1276, 29 Jul 2015;  Saturday, February 28th;  Coll. No. 1553, 1 Sep 2016;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1274, Juncus
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1276, Muhlenbergia wrightii  

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Location of Coll Nos. 1274-1276.
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Southern rim of North Table Mountain.
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Coll. No. 1553, Brickellia eupatorioides
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Coll. No. 1275, Eleocharis sp., probably E. palustris
Full Size Image
Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1276, Muhlenbergia wrightii
Location of Coll Nos. 1274-1276.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Saturday, February 28th;
Full Size ImageSmall creek, with tussocks of grass, drains the mesa from the north.  

Creek crosses trail from north.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Saturday, February 28th;   Coll. No. 1343, 12 May 2016;   Coll. No. 1344, 13 May 2016;   Coll. No. 1448, 22 Jun 2016;   Coll. No. 1450, 22 Jun 2016;  Coll. No. 1602, 8 May 2017;  Coll. No. 1602.1, 8 May 2017;
Full Size ImageMain channel of stream just above rim.
Full Size ImageSmall creek draining the mesa from the north.  

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Habitat of Coll. No. 1344, Veronica arvensis
Full Size Image
Habit of Coll. No. 1344, Veronica arvensis
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Coll. No. 1343, Woodsia oregana subsp. cathcartiana
Full Size Image
Coll. No. 1448, Mimulus floribundus
Full Size Image
Coll. No. 1450, Carex brevior
Creek crosses trail from north. Location of Coll. No. 1343-4.


Literature Cited:
- Kilburn, Paul D., and Sally L. White, 1992.

Locations: Golden Ravine.
Full Size ImageNorth Table Loop climbs out of Golden Ravine.  

Golden Ravine

“Golden Ravine” is a name applied to this ravine by Kilburn & White (1992). Jefferson County Open Space does not apply a name to this location.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Saturday, February 28th;
Full Size ImageCoyote in Golden Ravine.
Full Size ImageNorth Table Loop, with downtown Denver in the distance.  

View to the east of North Table Loop.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Obs. No. 1553, 8 May 2017;
Full Size ImageObs. No. 1553, Escobaria vivipara  

Escobaria vivipara beside the trail.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Saturday, February 28th;   Coll. No. 1340, 12 May 2016;   Coll. No. 1341, 12 May 2016;

Locations: Golden Ravine.
Full Size ImageMouth of Golden Ravine.  

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North Table Loop climbs to the top of the mesa to the west.
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North Table Loop, with social trail below.
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Coll. No. 1340, Prunus virginiana
Full Size Image
Coll. No. 1340, Prunus virginiana
Full Size Image
Coll. No. 1341, Prunus domestica
Some of the small groves of trees below the trail include Prunus virginiana “chokecherry” and Fraxinus americana “White Ash.”

Other articles:
• Social Trail:   at N Table Loop;  

Junction: Social trail to Easley Road.


Literature Cited:
- Van Horn, Richard, 1972.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  May 4, 1907;  September 16, 1907;  May 2, 1914;   at quarry;

Locations: Tramway Quarry.  

Tramway Quarry

The Tramway Quarry mined basalt.

The quarry was somewhat troublesome to properties below. On May 4, 1907 Cracks opened in the ground below, and the ground seemed to be moving. A huge mass ploughed down the ountain below the quarry. In September of the same year, A 12- by 12- by 12-foot boulder fell from the quarry and lodged in the Church Ditch just above a house.

Again, in 1914 a few thousand tons of rock slumped several yards and covered up the access road at the Tramway Quarry. Mountain. Heavy snow and rain have softened the "clay and ash." The ditch company and the railroad experienced much trouble in previous years when great sections of hillside moved slowly down toward Clear Creek.

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The basalt quarry on the south side of North Table Mountain.
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Valley of Clear Creek opens onto the plains; Denver in right distance.
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North Table Loop below the south rim of North Table Mountain
Although rock was quarried for the Denver Tramway, there was indeed an aerial tranway over the Farmer's Highline canal to a crusher at Rockdale. A deed for the right-of-way was filed with the county clerk in 1915.

Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:  Corydalis aurea;
• Field Notes:   along trail;
Full Size ImageCorydalis aurea along the North Table Loop.
Full Size ImageHabitat of Corydalis aurea at base of rocks to right of daypack.  

Corydalis aureus

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1312;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. No. 1312, Claytonia rosea above the North Table Loop.  

Numerous Claytonia rosea along east to northeast-facing slopes.

Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:  Verbascum thapsus;
• Neighborhood Access Trail:   at N Table Lp;
• Field Notes:   8 Nov 2015;
Full Size ImageDense colonies of Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) in Cottonwood Canyon
Full Size ImageUpper end of the Neighborhood Access Trail.  

Junction: Neighborhood Access Trail, down to access points on Ulysses way.
  North Table Loop crosses the stream bed of Cottonwood Canyon.
  Social trail, probably an old road to the northwest up Cottonwood Canyon.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   8 Nov 2015;
Full Size ImageNorth Table Loop and Neighborhood Access Trails
Full Size ImageGround Cherry (Physalis sp.) along the North Table Loop.  

North Table Loop crosses the upper right of the photograph, while the Neighborhood Access Trail diverges down the canyon.

Other articles:
• Cottonwood Canyon Trail:   at N Table Loop;

Locations: Cottonwood Canyon.  

Junction: Cottonwood Canyon Trail, up to Mesa Top Trail.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Tuesday, June 9th;
Full Size ImageThe Cottonwood Canyon Trail diverges from North Table Loop.
Full Size ImageLooking across Cottonwood Canyon at more of North Table Loop.  

The Cottonwood Canyon Trail diverges from North Table Loop and climbs to the rim of the mesa. North Table Loop diverges down to the left here and in obscured by grasses.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Tuesday, June 9th;
Full Size ImageNorth Table Loop continues east around the mesa.  

North Table Loop continues east around the mesa.

Other articles:
• 44th Avenue:  Colorado Railroad Museum;
• Field Notes:  Tuesday, June 9th;  Coll. No. 1131, 9 Jun 2015;
Full Size ImageObs. No. 1427, Opuntia polyacantha
Full Size ImageThree deer above a slide on the south face of North Table Mountain  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 1131, Koeleria macrantha
Full Size Image
Colorado Railroad Museum from North Table Mountain
Trail rounds the lower slopes of a landslide.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   7 May 2018;
Full Size ImageTwo of many bolts just below the North Table Loop.  

Double row of bolts just below the trail.
  Cross top of landslide.
  Small switchback.
  Switchback, trail goes south from both sides.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   7 May 2018;
Full Size ImageBase of lava flow along North Table Loop.
Full Size ImageBase of lava flow along North Table Loop.  

Switchback, trail goes north from both sides.
  Old road crosses trail, below trail to south, above trail to north.

Other articles:
• Lithic Trail:   at N Table Loop;  

Junction: Lithic Trail

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Tuesday, June 9th;
Full Size ImageJunction of Lithic Trail with North Table Loop.  

Junction with Lithic Trail.

Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:  Saskatoon Serviceberry;
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1800, 7 May 2018;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. No. 1800, Amelanchier alnifolia  

Location of Coll. No. 1800, Amelanchier alnifolia.
  Cross stream coming down from mesa top.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1518, 29 Jul 2016;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1515, Stephanomeria pauciflora  

Location of Coll. No. 1518, Stephanomeria pauciflora

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1801, 7 May 2018;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1801, Amelanchier alnifolia
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1801, Amelanchier alnifolia  

Location of Coll. No. 1801, Amelanchier alnifolia.

Other articles:
• Mesa Top Trail:   at N Table Loop;
• Field Notes:  Tuesday, June 9th;
Full Size ImageJunction of Mesa Top Trail with North Table Loop.  

Junction: Mesa Top Trail

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Friday, 29 July 2016;
Full Size ImageAsclepias definitely, maybe A. viridiflora
Full Size ImageFruit of Asclepias definitely, maybe A. viridiflora  

Full Size Image
Leaf of Asclepias definitely, maybe A. viridiflora
Observation of Asclepias viridiflora.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1519, 29 Jul 2016;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1519, Solidago missouriensis  

Coll. No. 1519, Solidago missouriensis, growing in rocks just above the trail.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1520, 29 Jul 2016;   Coll. No. 1648, 1 Jun 2017;   Coll. No. 1802, 7 May 2018;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1520, Corylus cornuta Ulmus americana
Full Size ImageLeaf of Coll. No. 1648, Ulmus americana (?).  

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Ulmus americana beside North Table Loop.
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Coll. No. 1802, Corylus cornuta Ulmus americana
Full Size Image
Coll. No. 1802, Corylus cornuta Ulmus americana
Large tree, maybe Corylus cornuta Ulmus americana (Coll. No. 1520, 1648, and 1802), suggested by Audrey Boag and Cindy Trujillo.
  Access Point: West 53rd Drive, no parking.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1652, 1 Jun 2017;
Full Size ImageInflorescence of Coll. No. 1652, Nassella viridula  

Location of Coll. No. 1652, Nassella viridula

Other articles:
• North Table Loop:   near Metz parcel;
Full Size ImageLocation of Coll. No. 2487, Phlox multiflora  


Other articles:
• North Table Loop:   just east of Phlox;
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1653, 1 Jun 2017;  Coll. No. 2487, 2 Jun 2021;
Full Size ImageLocation of Coll. No. 2487, Phlox multiflora
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1653, Phlox multiflora  

Location of Coll. No. 1653, Phlox multiflora.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Coll. No. 2487, 2 Jun 2021;
Full Size ImageLocation of Coll. No. 2487, Phlox multiflora  

  North Table Loop skirts the southwest corner of the Metz parcel.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1521, 29 Jul 2016;   Coll. No. 1654, 1 Jun 2017;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1654, Symphoricarpos rotundifolius
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1521, Heterotheca villosa  

Between two houses, south of North Table Loop, location of Coll. No. 1521, Heterotheca villosa var. villosa.

Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:  Verbesina encelioides;
• Field Notes:  Coll. No. 1539, 18 Aug 2016;  Coll. No. 1540, 18 Aug 2016;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1539, Verbesina encelioides
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1540, Dyssodia papposa  

Location of Coll. No. 1539, Verbesina encelioides and Coll. No. 1540 Dyssodia papposa.
  North Table Loop skirts the southwest corner of the Williams parcel.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Friday, 22 July 2016;
Full Size ImageView from small hill near North Table Loop.
Full Size ImageView from small hill, south east to Denver.  

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The private pasture at left is a source of weeds bleeding into the adjacent open space.
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Eriogonum alatum
Small saddle, little hill to the north.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1509, 22 Jul 2016;   Coll. No. 1510, 22 Jul 2016;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1509, Psoralidium tenuiflorum
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1510, Asparagus officinalis  

North Table Loop descends to the west to meet the Mesa Spur Trail. The north-facing slopes to the south were the site of my collections 1509 Psoralidium tenuiflorum and 1510 Asparagus officinalis.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1813, 10 May 2018;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. No. 1813, Delphinium nuttallianum.  

A little hollow to the south with rich friable soil supports a population of Delphinium nuttallianum, Coll. No. 1813.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1814, 10 May 2018;   Coll. No. 1816, 10 May 2018;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1814, Phlox, tentatively determined as P. multiflora.
Full Size ImageNorth slope, junction of North Table Loop and Mesa Spur Trail in foreground.  

The ridge above the junction of North Table Loop with the Mesa Spur Trail seems to have a slightly higher diversity of plants.

Other articles:
• Mesa Spur Trail:   at N Table Loop;  

Junction: Mesa Spur Trail , to access points off of W. 58th Avenue.
  Junction: Tablerock Trail , east.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Monday, July 13th;
Full Size ImageInterface between North Table Mountain Park and Table Rock subdivision.  

Tablerock subdivision below.
  Junction: Tablerock Trail , west.

Other articles:
• Social Trail:   at N Table Loop;
• Field Notes:   20 Jul 2015;
Full Size ImageSocial trail from Tablerock subdivision into North Table Mountain Park.  

Social trail north into Tablerock.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   20 Jul 2015;
Full Size ImageMesa Top Trail to the left, North Table Loop to the right.  

Mesa Top Trail to the left; North Table Loop to the right.

Other articles:
• Mesa Top Trail:   at N Table Loop;  

Junction: Mesa Top Trail, up to the mesa top and then across the mesa to the east.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1503, 12 Jul 2016;  

Near, i.e., just west of, junction with the Mesa Top Trail, as North Table Loop rounds the nose of a small ridge, is location oc Coll. No. 1503, Thelesperma megapotamicum “Hopi Tea Greenthread.” Like Coll. No. 1504, Hymenopappus filifolius the leaves are very finely divided to thin filiform segments.
  “Road” crosses the trail. To the south it leads to a water tank operated by the North Table Mountain Water and Sanitation District.
  Bridge over ephemeral stream.

Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:  Lepidium draba;  Alyssum simplex;  Thlaspi arvense;
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1365, 24 May 2016;   Coll. No. 1366, 24 May 2016;   Coll. No. 1367, 24 May 2016;  Coll. No. 1382, 1 Jun 2016;  Coll. No. 1383, 1 Jun 2016;

Locations: Ramstetter Reservoir.
Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. No. 1365, Thlaspi arvense  

Full Size Image
Habitat of Coll. No. 1366, Lepidium draba
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Coll. No. 1383, Linum perenne
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Coll. No. 1365, Thlaspi arvense
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Coll. No. 1366, Lepidium draba
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Coll. No. 1367, Alyssum simplex
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Coll. No. 1382, Lithospermum incisum
About half-way between North Table Mountain trailhead and the Mesa Top Trail; collecting locality.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   24 May 2018;
Full Size ImageRebuilt trail on North Table Loop.  

A little more than a 1/4 mile of new trail because of problems with mud.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 1504, 12 Jul 2016;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1504, Hymenopappus filifolius var. polycephalus  

Location of Coll. No. 1504, Hymenopappus filifolius Hook. var. polycephalus (Osterh.) B.L. Turner. “Many-Headed Fine-Leaved Wooly-White.”
  Trail skirts access road and parking lot.



Other articles:
• North Table Loop:   at N Table Mtn Trlhd;
• CO Hwy 93:   at N Table Mtn TH;
Full Size ImageNorth Table Mountain Trailhead  

North Table Loop Trailhead

Junction: North Table Loop, clockwise around North Table Mesa, heading north and turning east.
If you have a question or a comment you may write to me at: tomas@schweich.com I sometimes post interesting questions in my FAQ, but I never disclose your full name or address.  

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Date and time this article was prepared: 9/22/2024 4:40:51 PM