Eastern Mojave Vegetation Field Notes (Continued)  

Tom Schweich  

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2008 Tour de Swertia albomarginata
Mono Lake, August 2008
Literature Cited
   When I first read the field notes of Annie Alexander and Louise Kellogg, I was fascinated by the descriptions they wrote about the places they went and the plants and animals they found there. By publishing my field notes on the Internet I hope to follow a little bit in their tradition.










Thursday, March 6th


Full Size ImageTitle slide of my Mono Lake presentation  
  Gave Flora of Mono Lake basin talk to Nevada Native Plant Society.

Slides in PDF format are available here: Flora of the Mono Lake basin.




Friday, March 7th


Other articles:
• U. S. Highway 395:  41110;

Locations: Gardnerville.
Full Size ImageCarson Valley Museum and Cultural Center  

  Stopped by the Carson Valley Museum and Cultural Center to ask about William M. Maule.

Other articles:
• William M. Maule:   1915;
• U. S. Highway 395:   at 6th St;

Locations: Minden.
Full Size ImageMaule House  

  The Maule house in Minden.

Locations: Green Mountain. South Table Mountain.
Full Size ImageCalochortus gunnisonii on South Table Mountain.
Full Size ImageView of Green Mountain from South Table Mountain.  

  Today we took a walk on South Table Mountain. Leaving from the trailhead on Golden Hills Road, we walked generally north climbing two rims before reaching the top of the mesa near an ephemeral pond.




Saturday, 2 August 2014

    Joined the Metro-Denver Chapter of the Colorado Native Plant Society for a field trip on Grasses of Green Mountain.

Locations: Lookout Mountain.
Full Size ImageLookout Mountain as seen from Green Mountain.  

  View of Lookout Mountain from the west slope of Green Mountain. Interstate 70 crosses the lower part of the photograph.

Full Size ImageLithospermum occidentale on the west side of Green Mountain  
  Some of the taxa seen on Green Mountain.

Full Size ImageFlower of Symphoricarpos occidentalis as found on Green Mountain.
Full Size ImageSymphoricarpos occidentalis as found on Green Mountain.  
1054    Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook. Western Snowberry.

Green Mountain, Jefferson County, Colorado. Rooney Valley Trail, west side of Green Mountain. 39.6917°N, 105.176°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1912 m. Small patch beside swale.

Woody perennial to 50 cm., forming dense colonies in moist open swales, [spreading by long sparsely-branched rhizomes,] Twigs without lenticels, minutely hairy when young; Leaves opposite, ovate, to 7 cm. × 5 cm. wide, reduced above, thick, approaching leathery, pinnately veined, upper surface glabrous, lower few short white hairs, margin slightly wavy, slightly rolled under, sparsely curved hairy; Petioles to 7 mm.; Inflorescence axillary (and terminal?); Floral bracts triangular, 3 mm.; Flowers in dense axillary clusters, bisexual, ±radial, possibly slightly bilateral, 2 or more whorls; Corolla fused at base, tube 2 mm., throat with recurved hairs, lobes 5, 2-3 mm, slightly longer than tube, white with magenta mottling; Stamens 5, alternate, exserted; Anthers versatile; Ovary inferior; Pistil 1; Style exserted; Stigma entire; Fruit a berry, green when young, mature color and size unknown (Described from specimen seen on Green Mountain, 2 August 2014).

Other articles:
• Alameda Avenue:   at Fosberg/Iron Spring;

Locations: Green Mountain.
Full Size ImageForsberg / Iron Mountain Park from Green Mountain  

  View from Green Mountain to Forsberg / Iron Spring Park and the South Platte Valley beyond.

Other articles:
• Frasera albomarginata:   just west of Lowry Ruin, Colorado;
• US Highway 491:  31000;

Locations: Ackmen.

Letters: Monday, August 4, 2014.  

  Received letter today from Diana N. Wilson about Ackmen Colorado.




Sunday, August 10th


Other articles:
• East Street:   near 1st;
• Golden Checklist Flora:  Poa bulbosa;
• Ford Street:   near park;
• Tucker Gulch Trail:   near Ford;   at Cressmans Gulch;   above First;   near 1st;   near 1st;   near crossing;   near crossing;

Locations: Tucker Gulch (lower).
Full Size ImageTucker Gulch, south from First Street bridge  

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Tucker Gulch, north from First Street
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East Street, south from First Street
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Tucker Gulch, south, near First Street
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Tucker Gulch, north, near First Street
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Tucker Gulch, above First Street.
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Cressmans Gulch enters Tucker Gulch
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Tucker Gulch, just below Ford Street
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Peritoma serrulata beside Tucker Gulch

Other articles:
• Tucker Gulch Trail:   near shelter;

Locations: Tucker Gulch (lower).
Full Size ImageAppearance of Heterotheca villosa in the field  

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Flower of Heterotheca villosa
Heterotheca villosa (Pursh) Shinners var. nana (A. Gray) Semple. Hairy False Golden Aster.

Tucker Gulch (lower), Jefferson County, Colorado. Common within the city limits of Golden, along the creek of Tucker Gulch and the Tucker Gulch Trail, about 250 m. north of the First Street Bridge, and 350 m. south southwest of Ford Street. 39.7687°N, 105.2283°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1777 m. Common, low-growing subshrub with yellow flowers.

Perennial herb, to 50 cm.; Stem, moderately strigose, proximally eglandular, distally hairy and glandular, but generally hairs exceed glands, Leaves, cauline alternate, well-distributed along stem, 16 mm. × 7 mm. wide, elliptic to obovate, entire, some margins contorted after drying, 1-veined, distal perpendicular to stems, not densely canescent, generally hairs > glands; Inflorescence heads 1-8 per stem, terminating leafy stems, not subtended by leafy bracts; Heads solitary, with both ray and disk flowers; Phyllaries in 2+ series, unequal, to 7 mm.; Rays, 9 mm.; Pappus double, outer narrow scales ≤ 1 mm. (easier to see on mature fruit), inner bristles, 6.5 mm., white; Fruit, disk 3 mm., hairy.

Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:  Berteroa incana;
• Tucker Gulch Trail:   near shelter;

Locations: Tucker Gulch (lower).
Full Size ImageHabitat of Berteroa incana  

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Coll. No. 1056, Berteroa incana
Berteroa incana (L.) DC. Hoary Alyssum.

Tucker Gulch (lower), Jefferson County, Colorado. 39.7687°N, 105.2283°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1777 m. Common, white-flowered plant in mowed and unmowed sunny areas all along the trail.

Annual terrestrial herb, to 50 cm.; Leaves, cauline, elliptical, 20 mm. × 5 mm.; Flowers, not bracteate; Petals, 4, white, deeply bilobed; Style, 1.4 mm. in young fruit; Fruit, elliptical, 7 mm. × 4 mm. wide × 2 mm. thick, flattened parallel to papery internal partition.




Monday, August 11th


Other articles:
• Pine Ridge Road:   near Cressmans Gulch;   near Cressman Gulch;   at city limit;

Locations: Cressmans Gulch (lower).
Full Size ImageCressmans Gulch above Pine Ridge Road  

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Cressmans Gulch below Pine Ridge Road
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Looking into Golden along Pine Ridge Road




Wednesday, August 13th


Other articles:
• 53rd Drive:   at bicycle trail;
• County Road 284:   near Poppy;
• Golden Checklist Flora:   acc. pts.;

Locations: North Table Mountain.
Full Size ImageNorth Table Mountain to the southwest.  

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North Table Mountain trail at W. 53rd Drive
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North Table Mountain near W. 53rd Drive
Exploration on the northeast side of North Table Mountain.




Friday, August 15th


Other articles:
• Table Mountain Parkway:   near W 45th;

Locations: North Table Mountain. South Table Mountain.
Full Size ImageNorth Table Mountain from Table Mountain Parkway  

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South Table Mountain from Table Mountain Parkway




Sunday, August 17th


Literature Cited:
- Noe, David C., James M. Soule, Jeffrey L. Hynes and Karen A. Berry, 1999.

Other articles:
• Ford Street:   bet Iowa & 1st;

Locations: Golden. North Table Mountain.  

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Southwest face of North Table Mountain

Field Trip Stop 15 — North Table Mountain Rockfall Area — of Noe, et al. (1999) forms in the parking lot of the Hillside Community Church at 103 N. Ford Street.

The rockfall and landslide hazard area around North Table Mountain was mapped by the U.S. Geological Survey during the 1970s (Simpson, 1973a; 1973b). Jefferson County has adopted the mapped hazard area as part of its geologic-hazards overlay, and has considered it to be a “no-build” area. This was challenged in the 1980s by a developer, who staged an actual rock-rolling demonstration on the northwest flank of the mountain in order to prove the fallacy of the outer (distal) hazard-area boundaries. The demonstration was curtailed (and the subdivision application was subsequently denied) after several boulders rolled beyond the outer boundary, but not before one boulder had bounced at least 10 feet (3 m) into the air and knocked a cross-bar off a high-tension power-line tower at the base of the mountain.

The rockfall hazard area, as mapped by the USGS, exists in both unincorporated Jefferson County and the incorporated city of Golden. Unfortunately, protection of the public from the rockfall hazard does appear to stop at the jurisdictional boundary in this case. The houses we see on the hillside above are located within the city of Golden, which has not adopted Simpson’s map. This subdivision was approved and has expanded due the absence of any requirements for home-rule cities to follow the state-mandated, geologic-hazard review process for subdivisions.

Literature Cited:
- Noe, David C., James M. Soule, Jeffrey L. Hynes and Karen A. Berry, 1999.

Other articles:
• CO Hwy 93:   at Magpie Gl;

Locations: Magpie Gulch.  

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Stabilized landslide near CO Hwys 58 and 93.
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Magpie Gulch.
Field Trip Stop 14 — Highway 6-58-93 Junction — of Noe, et al. (1999) illustrates the Golden Fault, associated landslide hazards, mitigation of landslide hazards, and the short public memory.
Looking to the north and south, we can see the distinctive hogback of the Dakota Sandstone at both ends of the valley. But why is this hogback missing at the valley center? The answer is that the Golden Fault, a large, Laramide thrust fault, weaves along the valley just to the east of the mountain front. Here, the fault has displaced nearly 8,000 feet of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic, sedimentary section (Van Horn, 1976). The trace of the fault can be seen as it cuts up the side of the first large alluvial terrace to the south of Clear Creek. There is a distinct break in the vegetation between the Fountain Formation to the west (covered with mountain mahogany shrubs) and the Pierre Shale to the east (covered with grasses).

Looking directly west, we see a road cut for State Highway 93. This portion of the highway was first constructed in 1991. A small landslide formed in the west (opposite) face of the cut shortly thereafter, and the resulting toe bulge closed the southbound lanes of the new highway. Within a year, the landslide had developed a rim of head scarps with up to 12 feet of vertical slippage, and had captured the surface flow of a small stream in Magpie Gulch. Early efforts to drain the landslide were unsuccessful. A full geologic investigation subsequently revealed that the landslide sits directly atop the Golden Fault, with low-permeability Pierre Shale on the eastern side and a wedge of fractured, permeable Fountain Formation on the western side. In 1994, three lines of rock anchors (about 40 anchors in total) were installed across the landslide. The Magpie Gulch stream was piped across the head scarps, longer horizontal drains were installed, and a remote data-logging unit was set up. To date, this mitigative effort appears to have been successful. The combined maintenance and mitigation operations for this incident are reported to have cost about 3 million dollars.

The houses to the north of the landslide were built shortly after the landslide was mitigated and all signs of its existence had been “erased” from view. One can only imagine the concern of these residents had the landslide been active a few years later. This is a good illustration of the often short-term public memory of geologic hazards.

  1057    Campanula rapunculoides L. Rampion Bellflower.

Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado. Waste places, alley between Arapahoe Street and Cheyenne St, north of 5th Street. 36.7611°N, 105.2291°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1759 m. Small colony between fence and pavement.

Coll. No. 1057, 18 Aug 2014: Terrestrial green perennial herb, to 60 cm.; Stem ascending, little branched; Sap milky; Leaves, cauline, alternate, ovate, 7 cm. × 4 cm.; Petioles 10 mm.; Inflorescence, flowers 1-2 in axils; Pedicels to 12 mm.; Perianth in 2+ whorls; Corolla, radial, bell-shaped, regular; Petals united; Ovary inferior; Seeds (unknown).

Full Size ImageColl. No. 1058, Sporobolus airoides  
1058    Sporobolus airoides (Torr.) Torr. Alkali Sacaton.

Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado. Arapahoe Street, between 4th and 5th. 39.7612°N, 105.2285°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1758 m. Occasional weed of landscaped areas.

Coll. No. 1058, 18 Aug 2014: Annual/perennial unknown, probably perennial in 1st year; Culm, lacking short rhizome; Sheath, conspicuous tufts of hairs at proximal end, Ackerfield (2015) says &lqquo;... tufts of hair at the tips ...&rdquo, sparsely hairy at summit (distal end); Leaf, elongate, erect, blade rolled in bud; Panicle, large, 17 cm., open, lower nodes few branches, not appearing whorled, branches spreading at maturity, branches 2-7 cm.; Pedicels 2.0-4.5 mm.; Spikelets, not crowded, 2.8 mm., Glumes 1.5 & 2.5 mm.

Discarded. Pretty much destroyed while looking at arrangement of panicle branches at base of inflorescence.

Other articles:
• Lookout Mountain Road:  Buffalo Bill Museum;
Full Size ImageGolden from Lookout Mountain
Full Size ImageCoors Plant from Lookout Mountain.  

  Lookout Mountain Nature Center and Buffalo Bill Museum.
  1059    Mentzelia nuda (Pursh) Torr. & A. Gray. Bractless Blazing Star.

Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado. South side of Magpie Gulch east of CO Highway 93. 39.7639°N, 105.2347°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1768 m.

Coll. No. 1059, 28 Aug 2014: Perennial herb, of eastern slope, to 50 cm.; Leaves alternate, to 12 cm. × 2 cm. wide; margin shallowly toothed; Bracts, 15 mm., pinnately toothed, some basal and some clearly arising from the capsule; Petals, 10+, 40 mm. × 7 mm. wide; Stamens many; Filaments broad, narrowing at distal end; Anthers basifixed; Capsule, 30 mm. × 10 mm. diameter, erect, not curved at base, thick cylindric; Calyx (in fruit), lobes 9-12 mm.; Seeds, horizontal in capsule and winged, 3.8 mm. × 2.5 mm. wide, wing width 0.5-0.8 mm.

Typically, M. nuda is described as having “1 or 2 bracts usually at base” of capsule (Harrington, 1954), or “bracts not fused to ovary wall” (Weber & Wittmann, 2012), or “bracts free from capsule” (Ackerfield, 2015). However, this collection clearly has 15 mm. pinnatifid bracts arising from the capsule. Such character would lead to M. decapetala. Regardless, the small size of those bracts, and small size of other characters support placing this in M. nuda rather than M. decapetala.


Other articles:
• Nightbird Gulch Trail:   near switchback;
Full Size ImageDissected spikelet pair of Coll. No. 1060, Andropogon gerardii  

1060    Giant Blue Stem

Andropogon gerardii Vitman. Big Bluestem.

Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado. Transition between high plains and Front Range, 1.8 km northwest of the GNIS location of Golden, on the Nightbird Gulch trail, 290 m. from the trailhead on Canyon Point Circle. 39.7638°N, 105.2392°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1849 m

Coll. No. 1060, 28 Aug 2014, characters observed: Perennial, to 85 cm., clumped, rhizomes unknown; Leaves, blade and sheath differentiated; Sheath, 11 cm., open; Ligule, membraneous (though surrounded by hairs), 3 mm., auricles 0; Blade, soft, flat, 27 cm., hairy near ligule; Inflorescence, 80 mm., > leaves, 1-2 per stem, in 5-6 digitate branches, spikelets many; Rachis, soft bristles on margins and at nodes; Disarticulation at nodes of rachis; Spikelets in pairs, Sterile spikelet, 7 mm., pedicel 4.5 mm.; Fertile spikelet, Florets #1, Glumes, awns 0, ±equal, lower keeled, upper flattened and grooved; Lemma, 6 mm., membraneous, rolled, glabrous, tip 2-forked, awn, #1, 13 mm., bent, twisted, attached on back; Stamens, 3; Anthers, yellow; Ovary, glabrous; Stigma, feathery.

Other articles:
• Canyon Point Circle:   at t. h.;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1061, Echinochloa muricata var. microstachya
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1061, Echinochloa muricata var. microstachya, with awned lemmas.  

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Coll. No. 1061, Echinochloa muricata var. microstachya
Bur Grass
  1062    Iva ?

Other articles:
• How did rubber rabbitbrush get that long scientific name?:  Introduction;
• Illinois Street:   at alley;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1063, Ericameria nauseosa ssp. graveolens  

1063    Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L.Nesom & G.I.Baird var. graveolens (Nutt.) Reveal & Schuyler.

Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado. Illinois Street at alley between 4th and 5th Streets. 39.7602°N, 105.2308°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1763 m.

Collection No. 1063, 17 September 2014, characters observed: Perennial shrub, woody at base, to 1 m., sprawling to erect; Stem covered with felt-like tomentum (long hairs infiltrated with resin, must scrape with knife to expose); Leaves, alternate, lance-linear, 70 mm. × 3 mm., not twisted in the manner of some related species, upper surface tomentose, margin entire; Heads discoid (with only disk flowers), cymose at ends of branches, narrowly tubular; Involucre 8 mm., not spiny; Phyllaries in 3 vertical ranks, outer << inner, keeled, some with few short hairs; Receptacles not chaffy, but have some short (<0.5 mm.) appendages between flowers; Flowers #5; Corolla tube (i.e., petals united at base) 7.5 mm. + lobes #5, 1 mm., glabrous throughout; Ovary inferior; Pappus of bristles, 6-7 mm., white; Stamens 5; Anthers connate (united), 2 mm., acute at base; Style 11 mm., branches half-round in cross-section, stigmatic 1 mm. + appendage 2 mm., glabrous inside, uniformly short hairy on outside, tips rounded; cypselae, all similar in shape, 5 mm., short hairy;

Not known from California. In Ackerfield (2012), Asteraceae, Key 2, 15a-b, a question of how tomentose the stems and leaves are made keying tricky.

Other articles:
• 4th Street:   at Illinois;
• Illinois Street:   at 4th;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1064, Ericameria nauseosa ssp. graveolens  

1064    Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L.Nesom & G.I.Baird var. graveolens (Nutt.) Reveal & Schuyler.

Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado. Waste place at 4th and Illinois Streets, against the school yard fence. 39.7607°N, 105.2312°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1773 m.

Collection No. 1063, 17 September 2014, characters observed: Perennial shrub, woody at base, to 1 m., sprawling to erect; Stem covered with felt-like tomentum (long hairs infiltrated with resin, must scrape with knife to expose); Leaves, alternate, lance-linear, 70 mm. × 3 mm., not twisted in the manner of some related species, upper surface tomentose, margin entire; Heads discoid (with only disk flowers), cymose at ends of branches, narrowly tubular; Involucre 8 mm., not spiny; Phyllaries in 3 vertical ranks, outer << inner, keeled, some with few short hairs; Receptacles not chaffy, but have some short (<0.5 mm.) appendages between flowers; Flowers #5; Corolla tube (i.e., petals united at base) 7.5 mm. + lobes #5, 1 mm., glabrous throughout; Ovary inferior; Pappus of bristles, 6-7 mm., white; Stamens 5; Anthers connate (united), 2 mm., acute at base; Style 11 mm., branches half-round in cross-section, stigmatic 1 mm. + appendage 2 mm., glabrous inside, uniformly short hairy on outside, tips rounded; cypselae, all similar in shape, 5 mm., short hairy;

Not known from California. In Ackerfield (2012), Asteraceae, Key 2, 15a-b, a question of how tomentose the stems and leaves are made keying tricky.



Other articles:
• Teller County Road 1:  Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument;
• US Highway 285:   at Kenosha Pass;   at scenic view;

Locations: Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. Kenosha Pass. South Park.
Full Size ImageHeadquarters  


Sunday, 21 September

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View north from the headquarters.
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View south into South Park.
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Turning aspens near Kenosha Pass.



Other articles:
• Bear Lake Road:   at Bear Lake;   at Sprague Lk;   at South Moraine Rd;
• Colorado Trans-Basin Water Transfer:   in Lake Estes;
• US Highway 34:   at Steamer Pkwy;
• US Highway 36:   at Lake Estes;

Locations: Bear Lake. Lake Estes. Moraine Park. Sprague Lake.
Full Size ImageLake Estes, just east of Estes Park  


Tuesday, 23 September

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Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado
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Sprague Lake
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Bear Lake
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Moraine Park



Other articles:
• US Highway 34:   at Bowen-Baker Trlhd;  Gore Range Overlook;   at Forest Cyn Olook;  13960;  Horseshoe Park;   at Steamer Pkwy;
• US Hwy 40:   at Berthoud Pass;

Locations: Berthoud Pass. Colorado River. Forest Canyon Overlook. Forest Canyon Pass. Horseshoe Park. Longs Peak. Roaring River. Terra Tomah Mountain.
Full Size ImageLongs Peak as seen from the Stanley Hotel  


Wednesday, 24 September

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Alluvial fan at mouth of Roaring River
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Horseshoe Park seen from Many Parks Curve overlook
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Phlox pulvinata at Forest Canyon Overlook
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Something Rosaceous at Forest Canyon Overlook
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Landscape at 12,000 ft in the Rocky Mountains
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Terra Tomah Mountain across Forest Canyon
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Forest Canyon Pass from Gore Range Overlook
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Bowen-Baker Trailhead
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View north from Berthoud Pass

Full Size ImageBlepharoneuron tricholepis (Torr.) Nash
Full Size ImageBlepharoneuron tricholepis (Torr.) Nash
Full Size ImageBlepharoneuron tricholepis (Torr.) Nash  
1065    This specimen was given to me by my son, Matt.

Blepharoneuron tricholepis (Torr.) Nash. Pine Dropseed.

Unknown, Douglas County, Colorado. Lower montane ponderosa pine, gravely soil derived from Pikes Peak granite.

Coll. No. 1065, 18 Sep 2014, characters observed: Perennial bunchgrass to 35 cm.; Sheath open; Ligule membraneous; Inflorescence 1-2, loose panicle, 15 cm. long × 1.5 cm. wide, >leaves; Axis scabrous; Spikelets, many, similar, >2 per node, 1-flowered, 2 mm.; Florets, 1 per spikelet, bisexual; Glumes, lower 2.0 mm., upper 2.5 mm., awns 0; Lemma, 2.5 mm., keeled, veins 3, densely hairy, awns 0; Palea, <lemma, keel hairy, margin glabrous.



Other articles:
• Wyoming Circle:   at trailhead;
• North Table Loop:   at N Table Mtn Trlhd;   near top;

Locations: North Table Mountain.
Full Size ImageLooking down the North Table Loop trail  


Friday, 3 October

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Mouth of Golden Gate Canyon, source of Tucker Gulch.
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City of Golden, North Table Mountain Trailhead



Other articles:
• Cheyenne Street:   near 5th;
Full Size ImageMyrtle Spurge as a treasured landscaping element.  


Monday, October 6th


Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.

Other articles:
• Wyoming Street:   at N trail;

Locations: Cressmans Gulch (lower).  

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Coll. No. 1066, Colutea arborescens
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Location of Coll. No. 1066, Colutea arborescens, mature plants alongside trail.
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Coll. No. 1066, Colutea arborescens, mature plants alongside trail.
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Cressmans Gulch Trail, northbound.
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Coll. No. 1066, Colutea arborescens
Colutea arborescens L. Bladder Senna

Cressmans Gulch (lower), Jefferson County, Colorado. Many plants in and around the surge basin north of Wyoming Street at Ridge Road. 39.7753°N, 105.2303°W. Elev. 1810 m. Upright shrub with yellow flowers and large reddish seed pods.

Collection No. 1066, 6 October 2014, characters observed: Perennial shrub, to 2 m., woody below; Stem erect, unarmed; Leaves compound, odd-pinnate (with terminal leaflet); Leaflets, 11, 16 mm. × 12 mm. wide, notched at tip, glabrous above, sparsely appressed hairy below; Inflorescence a raceme, axillary, 9± flowers; Calyx, 5-merous, 5 mm. × 6 mm. dia., appressed hairy; Flowers, 19 mm., yellow, with dark markings; Banner, 10 mm.; Wings, 10 mm. × 4 mm., reduced in comparison to Lupinus; Keel, fully enclosing stamens and pistil, glabrous; Stamens, 10; Filaments, 9 fused, 1 free; Style, recurved; Fruit, inflated, bladder-like, 50 mm. × 22 mm., walls papery, color reddish fading to brown, base stalk-like; Seeds, reniform, flattened, 6 mm. × 4 mm. × 2 mm., brown, surface smooth; native to southern Europe.

Weber & Wittmann (2012) note “… introduced about 1913 around houses in Sunshine Canyon northwest of Boulder, now spreading and becoming estabished in the foothill canyons …”



Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:   dev. trlhds.;
• Ford Street:   bet Iowa & 1st;
• Golden Cliffs Trail:   at N Tbl Loop;   at highpoint;   near rim;   near rim;   at rim;   at break;   at climbing area;   at switchback;   along trail;   along trail;   at bench;   at trailhead;
• Iowa Street:   at CO 93;
• Peery Parkway:  29900;
• Washington Avenue:   at CO 93;
• CO Hwy 93:   at Washington;   at Iowa;

Locations: Golden. Lichen Peak. North Table Mountain.
Full Size ImageGolden Cliffs Trailhead  


Wednesday, 8 October

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Trailhead Art, Golden Cliffs Trail
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Bench on the Golden Cliffs Trail
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Along the Golden Cliffs Trail
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Northern Flicker along Golden Cliffs Trail
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Break in rim.
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Golden from south rim of North Table Mountain
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North Golden seen from North Table Mountain
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Radio facility on North Table Mountain
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Lichen Peak on North Table Mountain
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Sea Cliffs climbing area in old quary on North Table Mountain
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Junction of Golden Cliffs Trail with North Table Loop Trail
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Intersection of Iowa Drive with Colorado Highway 93
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Intersection of Washington Avenue with Colorado Highway 93
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View down the southwest face of North Table Mountain
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US Bureau of Reclamation bench mark
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Paronychia jamesii as seen on top of North Table Mountain
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Project BudBurst Monitoring Plot
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Mountain Bluebird family on North Table Mountain
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Climber on Golden Cliffs.
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Switchback to rim of North Table Mountain

Other articles:
• Golden Cliffs Trail:   near rim;

Locations: North Table Mountain.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1067, Artemisia frigida  

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Coll. No. 1067, Artemisia frigida
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Coll. No. 1067, Artemisia frigida
Artemisia frigida Willd. Prairie Sagewort.

North Table Mountain, Jefferson County, Colorado. Near the south rim. 39.7753°N, 105.2303°W. Elev. 1950 m. Rocky slope with little soil development near rim of mesa, growing with Brickellia californica(?).

Coll. No. 1067, 8 Oct 2014, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb, to 30 cm., woody at base; Stems many; Leaves alternate, 9 mm., pinnately dissected into 7 parts, silvery hairy; Inflorescence raceme-like, indeterminate, heads 1-3 in axils; Heads have only disk flowers, all alike; Involucre of hairy phyllaries; Phyllaries in 2 series, hairy, not gummy or with tips recurved; Receptacle hairy, not chaffy or bristly; Flowers fertile; Pappus absent; growing with Brickellia californica(?).

Other articles:
• Golden Cliffs Trail:   near rim;

Locations: North Table Mountain.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1068, Ambrosia psilostachya  

1068    Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Western Ragweed.

North Table Mountain, Jefferson County, Colorado. Near the south rim. 39.7687°N, 105.2156°W. Elev. 1950 m. Rocky slope with little soil development near rim of mesa.

Coll. No. 1068, 8 Oct 2014, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb, to 40 cm., woody at base; Leaves opposite below, alternate above, 50 mm. × 22 mm., ovate, pinnately divided; Inflorescence indeterminate, appearing raceme-like, 2 kinds of flowers, pistillate heads many, distal, carpellate heads few, clustered in distal leafy axils; Phyllaries fused into a cup; Receptacle not chaffy; Pappus absent.



Other articles:
• 19th Street:   above the street;
• Golden Checklist Flora:  Lookout Mountain;
• Lubahn Trail (north loop):   below rim;   at plaque;   at trailhead;
• Lubahn Trail (South Loop):  Castle Rock;   above rim;   at Lubahn spur;   on slope;

Locations: Castle Rock. Clear Creek Canyon. Golden. Lookout Mountain. Magpie Gulch. Nightbird Gulch.
Full Size ImageCross-bedded fluvial facies of the Denver Formation.  


Wednesday, October 15th

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Castle Rock from Lubahn Trail trailhead
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Memorial Plaque for Jack D. Lubahn
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Fluvial deposits of the Denver Formation.
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19th Street from rim of South Table Mountain
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Golden Cliffs Trail on south face of North Table Mountain
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Central Golden as seen from Castle Rock
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Mouth of Clear Creek Canyon
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Magpie Gulch
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Nightbird Gulch
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Mountain Mahogany (Cercocarpus montanus) on South Table Mountain.
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Lookout Mountain
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Hikers on Castle Rock

Other articles:
• Lubahn Trail (South Loop):   at Coll. No. 1069;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 1069, Ambrosia psilostachya
Full Size ImageLeaf of Ambrosia psilostachya  

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Pistillate flower of Ambrosia psilostachya
Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Western Ragweed.

South Table Mountain, Jefferson County, Colorado. West side of South Table Mountain, along south loop of Lubahn Trail. 39.7523°N, 105.2081°W. Elev. 1835 m. Good example of carpellate flowers.

Full Size ImageSeed pod of Asclepias speciosa
Full Size ImageSeed of Asclepias speciosa  
  Seed pod of Asclepias speciosa Torr., the Showy Milkweed.

Other articles:
• Eagle Ridge Drive:   at park;   at Deadman Gl;

Locations: Deadman Gulch.
Full Size ImageDeadman Gulch passing through Eagle Ridge Park.  

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Deadman Gulch from Eagle Ridge Drive
Deadman Gulch from the housing development of Stonebridge at Eagle Ridge.



Other articles:
• Crawford Street:   at TrippRd;
• Kinney Run Trail:   at kiln;   at Tripp Road;   at park;
Full Size ImageHistoric industrial site in Kinny Run
Full Size ImageCrawford Street and Tripp Road.  


Friday October 24th.

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Heritage Dells Park on Kinny Run
Ride Kinney Run.



Other articles:
• 12th Street:   at interpretive sign;
• Mines Geology Trail:  Stop 7;

Locations: White Ash Mine.
Full Size ImageInterpretive plaque for White Ash Mine  


Saturday, 25 October

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Location of interpretive plaque for White Ash Mine.
White Ash Mine.



Other articles:
• Chimney Gulch Trail:   at Windy Saddle;   near top;   near top;  at lower bridge;   in canyon;   along trail;   in Chimney Gl;   above Lookout Mtn Rd;   near driveway;  lower sect.;   above trail junction;
• Lookout Mountain Road:   at Chimney Gl Trl;   at Windy Saddle;   at Windy Saddle;
• U. S. Highway 6:   in Clear Ck Cyn;

Locations: Castle Rock. Chimney Gulch. Clear Creek Canyon. South Table Mountain. Windy Saddle.
Full Size ImageCastle Rock from lower portion of Chimney Gulch Trail.  


Thursday, October 30th

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North Golden from lower Chimney Gulch Trail
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Outcrop of sedimentary rock in Chimney Gulch
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Chimney Gulch Trail
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Lookout Mountain Road crosses Chimney Gulch
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Chimney Gulch Trail just above Lookout Mountain Road.
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Climbing in Chimney Gulch
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Juniperus scopulorum Sarg. (Rocky Mountain Juniper) in Chimney Gulch
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Lower bridge in Chimney Gulch
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Climbing in Chimney Gulch
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Near the top of Chimney Gulch
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Advice for motorists: Look Again For Bikes
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Clear Creek Canyon as seen from Windy Saddle
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The entire top of South Table Mountain as seen from Windy Saddle
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Two Colorado noxious weeds growing together at Windy Saddle
Hiked the Chimney Gulch Trail.



Other articles:
• Chimney Gulch Trail:   along trail;
• Mines Geology Trail:   at marker;   Stop 2;   near Stop 3;
• West Campus Road:   at marker;

Locations: Chimney Gulch.
Full Size ImagePart of the Chimney Gulch Trail seen from the Buffalo Bill Museum.  


Saturday, November 1st

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National Landmark marker for Morrison-Golden fossil beds
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Log imprints and dinosaur tracks in the Laramie Formation
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Interpretive panel at Stop #2
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Lubahn Trail as seen from Mines.



Other articles:
• Gap Road:  26000;   along Gap Rd;
• CO Highway 119:   at Sundance Café;
• Colorado Highway 72:  44000;

Locations: Panorama Point.
Full Size ImageMountains northwest of Panorama Point  


Sunday, November 9th

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Mountains northwest of Panorama Point
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Rock column along Gap Road
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Sundance Caf e.
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Mountains near Nederland


Full Size ImageRed Rocks in winter.  


Saturday, November 22nd




Other articles:
• 4th Street:   at Cheyenne;
• Cheyenne Street:   near 3rd;   near 4th;
• Magpie Gulch Trail:   above CO 93;

Locations: North Table Mountain. South Table Mountain.
Full Size ImageSouth Table Mountain from the Magpie Gulch Trail  


Wednesday, November 26th

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North Table Mountain from the Magpie Gulch Trail
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Cheyenne St. at 3rd St.
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Cheyenne St. at 4th St.



Other articles:
• Apex Valley Road:  Apex;
• Gap Road:  50900;

Locations: Apex. Coal Creek Canyon Fire Department Station 4.
Full Size ImageCabin in the near-ghost town of Apex.  


Saturday, November 29th

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Cabin in the near-ghost town of Apex.
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Cabin in the near-ghost town of Apex.
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Meadow along Gap Road.



Other articles:
• 2nd Street:   near Arapahoe;
• Mesa View Way:   at access road;
• Social Trail (Arapahoe to N. Rubey):   on hill;
• White Ash Drive:   at park;

Locations: White Ash Mine Park.
Full Size ImageSecond Street between Arapahoe Street and Washington Avenue  


Monday, December 7th

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Path between Arapahoe Street and N. Rubey Drive.
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South entrance to White Ash Mine Park
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CO Hwy 93 from Canyon Tank.
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The hogbacks return in northernmost Golden.



Other articles:
• Lookout View Court:  32460;   near trailhead;
• Lookout View Trail:   at rim;   below rim;   near 4-way;   at 4-way;   near jct;
Full Size ImageAcross southern Golden to Lookout Mountain.
Full Size ImageGolden High School from the “G”  


Thursday, December 11th

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Golden as seen from the rim of South Table Mountain
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Lookout View trail climbing from 4-way junction.
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Looking across Golden to Mount Zion
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Looking east toward the rim of South Table Mountain
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Looking north to the rim of South Table Mountain
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The “G” as seen from the trailhead on Lookout View Court.



Other articles:
• 7th Street:   at Tucker Gl;

Locations: Tucker Gulch (lower).
Full Size ImageReconstructed portion of lower Tucker Gulch  


Monday, December 15th




Other articles:
• Washington Avenue:   at arch;

Locations: Golden.
Full Size ImageSanta in Golden Christmas Parade  


Saturday, December 20th

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Golden Christmas parade
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Welcome Arch decorated for Christmas



Literature Cited:
- Kilburn, Paul D., and Sally L. White, 1992.

Other articles:
• 4th Street:   at end;
• Arapahoe Street:   at 4th;
• Deer Springs Lane.:   at trace;
• Tucker Gulch Trail:   at Salix;   at more Salix;
• Wyoming Street:   at N trail;   above Wy St;

Locations: Nightbird Gulch. North Table Mountain. Tucker Gulch (lower).  


Sunday, December 21st

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Deer in Nightbird Gulch off 4th Street.
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Salix alba in Tucker Gulch
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Salix alba in Tucker Gulch
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Trace of tramway above Deer Springs Lane
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Colutea arborescens in winter
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Trace of tramway above Deer Springs Lane
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Wyoming Street from North Table Mountain
Walked up Tucker and Cressman Gulches to Deer Springs Lane, then up the trace of the former rock quarry tramway. See Kilburn and White (1992, p. 11).
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Date and time this article was prepared: 9/22/2024 4:44:30 PM