Eastern Mojave Vegetation Field Notes (Continued)  

Tom Schweich  

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   When I first read the field notes of Annie Alexander and Louise Kellogg, I was fascinated by the descriptions they wrote about the places they went and the plants and animals they found there. By publishing my field notes on the Internet I hope to follow a little bit in their tradition.








Other articles:
• Cedar Canyon Road:   in Cedar Canyon;
• Macedonia Canyon:   upper canyon;
• Lobo Point Road:  65000;
• Wild Horse Canyon Road:   near ridge line;   n. face of Wild Horse Mesa;

Locations: Bullock Spring. Cedar Canyon. Macedonia Canyon. Mid Hills. Wild Horse Mesa.
Full Size ImageThe Mid Hills as seen from across Cedar Canyon.  


April 1995 Field Trip (?)

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Upper Macedonia Canyon
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Vegetation along Cedar Canyon Road.
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Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia Engelm.) along Wild Horse Canyon Road.
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Location of my plot before it was put in.
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Downdropped northernmost portion of Wild Horse Mesa.
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Joshua trees and Mojave Yuccas along Cedar Canyon Road.
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Bullock Spring as Seen from Chicken Water Spring.

Full Size Image"Tom & Paul at the Merced River near the Ahwahnee Hotel, Yosemite, May 14, 1995"  




Thursday, May 18, 1995

    8:05AM; mileage 61079, small draw, UTM 11N 451900 4043400, above Lee Pump.

Locations: Lee Pump.  

  10:10AM, Found 2 Salvia dorrii, along the water line at top of ridge, south of Lee Pump, with Eriogonum, Artemisia, Ephedra viridis, a phlox, Purshia, and Pinyon.

Locations: Lee Pump.  

  9:30AM, Lee Pump, found it, steam powered, pump still here, just hidden, tough hike down canyon, no sign of Salvia dorrii, pumps south up over ridge.
    12:30PM, Identified Ribes velutinum, one of two species of desert Ribes. Also keyed out the Salvia dorrii as ssp. dorrii, because of short hairs along margins of bracts.




Sunday, May 21, 1995

    10:40AM, Field Trip Stop 2, Kelso Dunes: Larrea, Ambrosia dumosa, Krameria, Hesperocaulis?, Chorizanthe, Opuntia echinocarpa, white and yellow composites, Opuntia basilaris, Opuntia ramosissima, Spanish needle, lg. yellow camisonia (Camisonia boothii, due to exfoliating epidermis).
    11:25AM, Field Trip Stop 3. There is a typographical error in the road log. Here there are: Larrea divaricata, Ambrosia dumosa, Hymenoclea salsola, Yucca schidigera, Krameria erecta, Opuntia ramosissima, desert senna, Opuntia basilaris, Opuntia acanthocarpa, Opuntia echinocarpa, Eriogonum fasciculatum, Thamnosma montana, Ferocactus acanthodes, Krameria grayii, Langlosia, Amphipappus (chafe bush), and Bebbia junca. The substrate, i.e., the reason the geologists brought us here, contains a water-lain Bishop Ash.
May 22, 1995
    910AM. Fort Rock Spring. Mirabilis multiflora, Ambrosia eriocentra, Lycium cooperi, Hymenoclea salsola, Artemisia tridentata, Chrysothamnus, Guttierezia, Juniperus osteosperma, Yucca baccata, Acacia greggii, Yucca brevifolia, Salvia mohavensis ( ?? Need to verify this find! ), Rhus trilobata, Sphaeralcea ambigua, Opuntia pheacantha, Ephedra viridis.
    The Rock Spring Monzonite (Hornblende, biotite, K-feldspar, Ca-feldspar, Sphene) doesn't work on the Cretaceous/Jurassic diagnostic criteria, but appears to be Cretaceous in age.
    Water recharge is from the New York Mountains. Water is mined at Cadiz.
    Concentric structures … dikes cutting through Mid Hills Adamellite and Rock Spring Monzonite, much younger, may be traces of a younger intrusion not seen at the surface.
    The New York Mountains were a topographic low after Peach Springs time, and maybe a high at Wild Horse Mesa time.

Locations: Watson Wash.  

  Levee deposits along Watson Wash. Basalts along Watson Wash are set on wash deposits.
    Red spotted toads observed at Rock Spring.
    10:50AM, Field Stop 13.
    Ericameria linearifolia, Ericameria cooperi, Hymenoclea salsola, Yucca schidigera, Acacia greggii, Eriogonum fasciculatum, Ephedra nevadensis, Stephanomeria, Chilopsis linearis, Krameria grayii (rather tall and spiny specimens, just starting to come out and bloom), Gutierezia sarothrae, Tetradymia, Opuntia acanthocarpa, Larrea divaricata, Opuntia ramosissima, Salazaria mexicana, Opuntia engelmannii, Peucephyllum schottii, Ambrosia eriocentra, Salvia dorrii, Salvia mohavensis (??? Verify?) Lepidium fremontii, Dichelostemma, Mamalaria tetrancistra,
    Fossils found at this locality: Medium camel, Small camel, deer, dog, cat, no horses, long-limbed rhinos.
    Hackberry Mountain endogenous, black layer is vitrophyre. Structural monocline, down to the north, east trending. Further down toward Goffs, more complex volcanics. Lacustrine sediments, go all around Hackberry Mountain, below volcanics, and above breccias from Vontrogger Hills volcanism. The rhino here has tall crowned teeth and long legs, look more like wildebeest. Mammals here are equivalent to those at top of Great Plains wedge.
    Peach Springs Tuff is below volcanics of Piute Mtns.
    Stanleya elata, Larrea divaricata, Ambrosia dumosa, Eriogonum inflatum, Yucca schidigera, Eriogonum fasciculatum.
    Sphaeralcea ambigua, Gutierezia microcephala, Lycioum andersonii, Astragalus ++, Yucca brevifolia, Opuntia erincea, Phlox, Lycium cooperi, Calochortus kennedyi, Yucca baccata, Salazaria mexicana, Ericameria linearifolia, Ephedra nevadensis, Opuntia acanthocarpa, Ericameria cooperi, Eriogonum inflatum, Castelleja chromosa, Eriogonum fasciculatum, Hymenoclea salsola, Purshia glandulosa, Lotus, Echinocereus engelmanii, Delphinium parishii, Menodora spinescens, Kraschninikovia lanata, Cryptantha tuberosa, Juniperus osteosperma, Salvia dorrii,
  • Lead, silver, zinc, scheelite, huebnerite; pegmatite with high lead content.
  • New York Mine, 1874, first mill in county, silver-lead.
  • Hart, burned in 1910.
  • Quaternary/Tertiary gravel.

Full Size ImagePeach Springs Tuff and Tertiary gravels at the mouth of Keystone Canyon, New York Mountains.  
  • Castle Peaks
Ephedra viridis, Psilostrophe, Stephanimeria, Opuntia, Stanleya, Lamatium parryii (Apiaceae), Menodora scoparia, Krameria erecta, Tetradymia.
  • Depositional contact between Precambrian and Peach Springs Tuff.
  • Granulite facies, very hot.
    4:45PM. Vanderbilt Mine.
May 23, 1995
    1:10PM. Monocot, head with 3 sepals, petals white, maroon stripes, 6 stamens, opposite petals, anthers versitile, pollen yellow, ovary 3 double wings, style simple, 11N 3894400 647300, ganitic slope with some pyroclastic float.




Saturday, July 15, 1995

Upper Stevens Meadow.

Phil Niemer, Lassen Land and Trails Trust.

Rosenberg, owners, live in Healdsburg, Nature Conservancy, wanted to fence, Pine Creek not damaged to extent of other parts, easement prevents subdivision, limits development, limits construction, Pine Creek, feeds Eagle Lake, Eagle Lake trout fishery, eliminate Brook Trout, re-establish Eagle Lake Trout.

    Property managed intensively, logged twice: 20 years and 8 years ago, selectively logged. Firewood sale for dead lodgepole pine.
    The buildings are from a cattle camp, not used by the Rosenburg family, elevation > 6200 ft (1900 m).
    Flowers, east of Mt Lassen, edge of Cascade Range, west of Modoc Plateau, wet meadow, surrounded by lodgepole pine, and mixed coniferous forest.

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  • Ranunculus occidentalis
  • Bistort, Polygonum bistortoides, round heads, edible.
  • Paint brush
  • Shooting stars
  • Veronica americana
  • Saxifraga californica
  • Montia chamissoi, Toad Lily, little white flower, succulent leaf, runners.
  • Pinguicula vulgaris, Common butterwort.
  • Meadow penstemon
  • Pedicularis attollens
  • Gentian family "Buckbean" Menyanthes trifoliate, segregated from Gentianaceae.
  • Mimulus jepsonii
  • Penstemon rydbergii(?)




Wednesday, October 18, 1995

    Stalks from the previous season were still recognizable.
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Date and time this article was prepared: 9/22/2024 4:42:12 PM