Eastern Mojave Vegetation Bibliography  

Tom Schweich  

Abrams, LeRoy, and Roxanna S. Ferris. 1944-1951. Illustrated flora of the Pacific states. 4 vols.. Stanford, California.: Stanford University Press.. v. 1. Ophioglossaceae to Aristolochiaceae, ferns to birthworts.--v. 2. Polygonaceae to Krameriaceae, buckwheats to kramerias.--v. 3. Geraniaceae to Scrophulariaceae, geraniums to figworts.--v. 4. Bignoniaceae to Compositae, bignonias to sunflowers

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Ackerfield, Jennifer. 2015. Flora of Colorado. Fort Worth, TX 76107-3400: Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 2015.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Ackerfield, Jennifer. 2022. Flora of Colorado, Second Edition. Botanical Miscellany No. 60. Fort Worth, Texas: BRIT Press, Fort Worth Botanical Garden, 2022.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Adams, David K., and Andrew C. Comrie. 1997. The North American Monsoon. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 78(10):2197-2213.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Adams, Ella. n.d.. The Stone Canyon Mine. Link to external document. , accessed 7 February 2013.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Adams, James D., and Dana A. York. 2005. Psorothamnus fremontii and Psorothamnus arborescens (Fabaceae) in California. Madroño. 52(4):258-261. {TAS}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Adams, Kenneth D. 2007. Late Holocene sedimentary environments and lake-level fluctuations at Walker Lake, Nevada, USA. GSA Bulletin. 119(1/2):126-139. {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Adams, K. D., and T. L. Sawyer. 1998. Huntoon Valley fault system, in Quaternary fault and fold database of the United States. U.S. Geological Survey website, http://earthquakes.usgs.gov/regional/qfaults, accessed at 10/20/2006 12:34 PM.. {TAS-doc}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Adams, Robert P., Sanko Nguyen, Julie A. Morris, and Andrea E. Schwarzbach. 2006. Re-examination of the one-seeded, serrate leaf Juniperus of southwestern United States and northern Mexico (Cupressaceae). Phytologia. 88(3):299-310. {TAS-pdf}

Adams, Robert P., and Andrea E. Schwarzbach. 2013. Phylogeny of Juniperus using nrDNA and four cpDNA regions. Phytologia. 95(2):179-187.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Adams, Kenneth D., Steven G. Wesnousky and Bruce G. Bills. 1999. Isostatic rebound, active faulting, and potential geomorphic effects in the Lake Lahontan basin, Nevada and California. GSA Bulletin. 111(12):1739-1756.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Aedo, Carlos. 2001. The Genus Geranium L. (Geraniaceae) in North America. II. Perennial Species. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid. 59(1):3-65. {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

American Geological Institute. 1960. Dictionary of Geological Terms, 2nd Ed. Garden City, New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday. {TAS}

   Articles that cite this literature:

American Geological Institute. 1983. Dictionary of Geological Terms, 3rd Edition. New York.: Doubleday Books., 1983..

   Articles that cite this literature:

Agirrezabala, L. M., H. G. Owen, and J. Garcia-Mondejar. 2002. Syntectonic deposits and punctuated limb rotation in an Albian submarine transpresisonal fold (Mutriku village, Basque-Cantrabrian basin, northern Spain). GSA Bulletin. 114(3):281-297.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Aguirre-Diaz, Gerardo J., and Guillermo Labarthe-Hernandez. 2003. Fissure ignimbrites: Fissure-source origin for voluminous ignimbrites of the Sierra Madre Occidental and its relationship with Basin and Range faulting. Geology. 31(9):773-776.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Aiton, William. 1789. Hortus Kewensis; or, a Catalogue of the Plants Cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew. London: 1789.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Aiton, William T. 2nd. ed., 1810-13. Hortus kewensis, or, A catalogue of the plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew. 5 vols.. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1810-1813. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Alameda, City of, Public Works Department. 2009. Pedestrian Plan. (Component of the City's Transportaion Master Plan). {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

Alarcón, Antonio de, D. P. 1982. La Alpujarra. Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1892.

Albee, Beverly, J, Leila M. Shultz, and Sherel Goodrich. 1988. Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah.: Utah Museum of Natural History, 1988. (February 7, 2016: appears to be offline.)

   Articles that cite this literature:

Albers, J. P., and J. H. Stewart. 1972. Geology and mineral deposits of esmeralda county. Bulletin. 78. Reno, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1872. {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

Alegret, Laia, Silvia Ortiz, Ignacio Arenillas, and Eustoquio Molina. 2010. What happens when the ocean is overheated? The foraminiferal response across the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum at the Alamedilla section (Spain). GSA Bulletin. 122(9/10):1616-1624. {TAS-pdf}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Allen, Clarence R. 1957. San Andreas Fault Zone in San Gorgonio Pass, Southern California. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 68(3):315-350. {TAS}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Allen, John Elliot. 1946. Geology of the San Juan Bautista Quadrangle, California. California Division of Mines, Bulletin 133. San Francisco: California Division of Mines, March 1946. {TAS}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Allioni, Carlo. 1766. Stirpium aliquot defcriptiones cum duorum novorum generum conftitutione. Mélanges de Philosophie et de Mathématique de la Société Royale de Turin. Tomus 3: 177-178. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Allioni, Carlo. 1785. Flora Pedemontana Sive Enumeratio Methodica Stirpium Indigenarum Pedemontii…. 3 vols.. Available on Google Books.

Allred, Kelly W. 2020. I: Annotated Checklist. Flora Neomexicana. 3rd edition. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Allred, Kelly W. 2020. II: Glossarium Nominum. Flora Neomexicana. 3rd edition. Link to external document.

Allred, Kelly W., et al. 2020. III: An Illustrated Identification Manual, Part 1. Flora Neomexicana. 2nd edition. Link to external document.

Allred, K. W., et al. 2020. III: An Illustrated Identification Manual, Part 2. Flora Neomexicana. 2nd edition. Link to external document.

Al-Shehbaz, Ishan A. 2003. Transfer of most North American species of Arabis to Boechera (Brassicaceae). Novon. 13(4):381-391.

Al-Shebaz, I. A. 2014. A Synopsis of the Genus Noccaea (Coluteocarpeae, Brassicaceae). Harvard Papers in Botany. 19(1):25-51. {TAS-pdf} doi:10.3100/hpib.v19iss1.2014

   Articles that cite this literature:

Al-Shehbaz, Ihsan A., and Steve L. O'Kane. 2002. Lesquerella is united with Physaria (Brassicaceae). Novon. 12: 319-329. {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Anderberg, Arne A. 1991. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the tribe Gnaphalieae (Asterceae). Opera Botanica. 104: 1-195. Unable to find this publication online.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anders, George. 2006. This old ruin: a ghost town is suspended in time, thanks to handyman's invisible hand. Wall Street journal. {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anderson, D. E., and S. G. Wells. 2004. Latest Pleistocene lake highstands in Death Valley, California. pp. 115-128 in Enzel, Y., S. G. Wells, and N. Lancaster. Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts. Geological Society of America Special Paper 368. Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America, 2003.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anderson, David G. 2004. Gilia sedifolia Brandeg. (stonecrop gilia): A Technical Conservation Assessment. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado Natural Heritage Program, August 9, 2004.

Anderson, D., P. Haseman, and T. Schweich. 2019. Kinney Run Walking Tour for Stewards of Golden Open Space. Unpublished field guide..

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anderson, Steve, Lisa Eriksen, Cheri Howell, Lois Ports, and Lisa Seymour. 1998. Ruby Mountain Flora: A guide to common plants of the Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range. Elko, NV: Humboldt National Forest Interpretive Association, 1998. Purchased at the Northeastern Nevada Museum, Elko, NV.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anderson, John L. 2006. Vascular Plants of Arizona: Anacardiaceae Sumac Family. Canotia. 3(2):13-22.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anderson, Kling, and A. E. Aldous. 1937. Monoecious Buffalo Grass, Buchloe Dactyloides. Agronomy Journal. 29(8):709-710.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Anderson, Lesleigh. 2011. Holocene record of precipitation seasonality from lake calcite d18O in the central Rocky Mountains, United States. Geology. 39(3):211-214. {TAS-pdf}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anderson, Loran C. 1995. The Chrysothamnus-Ericameria Connection. Great Basin Naturalist. 55(1):84-88. {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anderson, Paul B., Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., Douglas A. Sprinkel, and Grant C. Willis. 2003. Geology of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah-Arizona. pp. 301-335 in Sprinkel, Douglas A., Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., and Paul B. Andersen, eds., 2003. Geology of Utah's Parks and Monuments, 2nd Edition. Utah Geological Association Publication 28. Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Geological Association and Bryce Canyon Natural History Association, 2003.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anderson, R. Scott. 1990. Holocene forest development and paleoclimates within the central Sierra Nevada, California. Journal of Ecology. 78: 470-489.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anderson, Scott W., Suzanne P. Anderson, and Robert S. Anderson. 2015. Exhumation by debris flows in the 2013 Colorado Front Range storm. Geology. 43(5):391-394. {TAS-pdf}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Andersson, Nils Johan. 1858. Enumeratio Salicum nobis ex America boreali huc usque cognotarum “The Willow Flora known to us from north America”. Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-akademiens forhandlingar “Overview of the Proceedings by the Royal Academy of Sciences”. 15: 114-133. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Andeweg, Bernd. 2002. Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Iberian Peninsula, causes and effects of changing stress fields. Ph. D. thesis. 2002. {TAS}

Andres-Hernandez, A. R., and T. Terrazas. 2009. Leaf architecture of Rhus s.str. (Anacardiaceae). Feddes Repertorium. 120(5-6):293-306. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: 16 June 2020: URL:

   Articles that cite this literature:

Andres-Hernandez, Agustina Rosa, Teresa Terrazas, Gerardo Salazar, and Helga Ochoterena. 2014. Phylogenetic analysis based on strructural and combined analyses of Rhus s. s. (Anacardiaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 176(4):452-468.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Andrews, Thomas G. 2015. Coyote Valley: Deep History in the High Rockies. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2015.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. n.d.. Sierra Nevada National Park: Alpujarras, Marquesado del Zenete. Granada, Spain: Editorial Penibetica.. ISBN: 84-931217-8-9.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anonymous. N. D.. Mineral County, Nevada. Hawthorne, NV: Mineral County Museum. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. 2003. Colorado Geologic Highway Map and Shaded Relief Map. Canon City, Colorado: GTR Mapping., 2003. ISBN 1-881262-00-6

Anonymous. n.d.. Self-Guiding Tour of Eureka, Nevada. Obtained at the Eureka Museum.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. n.d.. Yampa River Botanic Park. Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80477: Yampa River Botanic Park Association. Pamphlet describing the botanic park.

Anonymous. n.d.. Mammals at the Soda Springs Desert Studies Center.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. n.d.. Amphibians and Reptiles at the Soda Springs Desert Studies Center.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. n.d.. Palomares, Spain Medical Surveillance and Environmental Monitoring. Link to external document. {TAS}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. n. d.. A Hiker's Guide to the Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Vegetation of Hualapai Mountain Park. n.d.,.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. n. d.. Lincoln County: Driving Tours and Walking Tours. {TAS-pdf} There are several sources for this uncredited document: Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce (www.lincolncountynevada.com) and Pioche Chamber of Commerce (www.piochenevada.com).

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. n.d.. Totem Poles of Alert Bay. {TAS-pdf} Retrieved 30 Sept 2018 from an extremely long URL on Squarespace. Document properties indicate it was created in August 2014 using Microsoft Word.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Editors of Wikipedia. 2021. João do Amaral Franco. Wikipedia. Link to external document. Date retrieved: 14 March 2021

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anonymous. n.d.. Provisional Vascular Plant List for Arches National Park. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. n.d.. Provisional Vascular Plant List for Arches National Park. ftp://ice.ucdavis.edu/pub/NPS/Arches_National_Park/species_lists/archflor.txt

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. 1891. Index to Recent Literature Relating to American Botany. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. XVII(6):192-197. Moderately good evidence that this review was written by Nathaniel Lord Britton.

Anonymous. 1903. Rubber. The Commercial Stamp Trade Journal. 12(5):5.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anonymous. 1904. History of Business in Chaffee County. Salida Colorado History. Link to external document. Date retrieved: 15 January 2018, URL:

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anonymous. 1906. IX.-Colorado Rubber. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Additional Series, VII. Selected Papers from the Kew Bulletin.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anonymous. 1906. Development and Transportation Tunnel Enterprises in the Argentine District, Colorado. Mining Reporter. LIV(23):570-573.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. 1908. Sunny Salida Colorado. Salida, Colorado: The Salida Board of Trade, 1908. {TAS-pdf}

Anonymous. 1971. Notes. SIDA Contributions to Botany. 4(3):265. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anonymous. 1984. Eureka sand dunes landmark. California Geology. 37(3):42.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anonymous. 1989. Gavel to come down on historic Ted's Place. Rocky Mountain News. Article was found in Supporting Documents of GNIS

Anonymous. 1996. Nevada Atlas & Gazetteer. Freeport, Maine: DeLorme, 1996. Scale: 1 inch = 4 miles (6.4 km)

Anonymous. 1996. Nevada Atlas & Gazetteer. Freeport, Maine: DeLorme, 1996. Scale: 1 inch = 4 miles (6.4 km)

Anonymous. 2000. Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Ruby Mountains Ranger District, National Forest Map. Salt Lake City, Utah: Intermountain Region, National Forest Service, 2000. Scale 1:126,720, 1 inch = 2 miles.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anonymous. 2004. Bird List, Desert Studies Center, Zzyzx, California, East Mojave Desert. California Desert Studies Center, Contribution Number Series #64. {TAS}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anonymous [Elizabeth Pierce]. 2011. Columbia University Graduate Student Field Trip to Mono Lake, CA, Field Guide. Link to external document.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. 2015. In Colorado's snowbound mountains, desperation turned starving men into cannibals. The Pueblo Chieftain. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: 25 September 2017, URL: http://cqrcengage.com/coloradoconcern/app/document/6150728 fails.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Anonymous. 2016. Nevada Appeal at 150: Sept 8, 1954: Alpine County Highway to be opened. Nevada Appeal. Link to external document. Date retrieved: 11 February 2016, 12 January 2021.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Anonymous. 2017. Radius Gold increases its land position at the Bald Peak Property, Nevada; Commences exploration work. Benginga. Link to external document. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: 20 June 2017:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. 2003. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 141: 399-436. {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

Argall, George O. 1949. Industrial Minerals of Colorado. Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines. 44(2).

   Articles that cite this literature:

Argles, T. W., J. P. Platt, and D. J. Waters. 1999. Attenuation and excision of a crustal section during extensional exhumation" The Carratraca massif, southern Spain. Geological Society [London] Journal. 156: 149-162. {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Argus, George W. 1997. Infrageneric Classification of Salix (Salicaceae) in the New World. Systematic Botany Monographs. 52: 1-121.

Argus, George W. 2007. Salix (Salicaceae) Distribution Maps and a Synopsis of Their Classification in North America, North of Mexico. Harvard Papers in Botany. 12(2):355-368.

Argus, George W. 2009. Salix (Willows) in the New World: A Guide to the Interactive Identification of Native and Naturalized Taxa Using Intkey (Delta)., accessed 5/25/2013, now requires a password.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Argus, George W. 2010. Salix. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 7. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Arkansas Valley Seeds. 2019. Rocky Mountain Native Mix. Link to external document. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: 14 November 2019, 12 January 2020.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Armato, Ivan. 1991.. The sound of one dune booming. Science. 254(5034):938. Washington DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, November 15, 1991. {TAS}

   Articles that cite this literature:

Armstrong, Davod. 1979. Mammals of Green Mountain, Jefferson Co., Colorado. Unpublished report..

   Articles that cite this literature:

Ash, S. R. 1987. Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona. Centennial Field Guide. Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America. 2: 405-410. {TAS-pdf}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. 2008. Evaluation of Soil Arsenic Concentrations at the Rand Historical Mining Complex, Kelly Mine Site, Red Mountain, San Bernardino County, California. Atlanta, Georgia: U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, September 29, 2008.

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Aubury, Lewis E. 1902. The Copper Resources of California. Bulletin No. 23. San Francisco, CA: California State Mining Bureau, April, 1902. {TAS}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Ausmus, Bob. 1989. East Mojave Diary. Tales of the Mojave Road #16. Norco, California: Tales of the Mojave Road Publishing Company, October 1989. {TAS}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Austin, Mary Hunter. 1903. The Land of Little Rain. Republished 1997..

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Averett, Walter R. 1963. Directory of Southern Nevada Placenames. Revised Edition. {TAS}

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Axelrod, Daniel I. 1976. Fossil Floras of the California Desert Conservation Area. Contract CA-060-CT8-75. Riverside, CA: Bureau of Land Management, 1976. {TAS-pdf}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Axelrod, Daniel I. 1987. The late Oligocene Creede flora. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences. 130: 1-235.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Baars, Donald L. 2003. Geology of Canyonlands National Park, Utah. pp. 61-83 in SprinkelDACA2003. Geology of Utah's Parks and Monuments, 2nd Edition. Utah Geological Association Publication 28. Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Geological Association and Bryce Canyon Natural History Association, 2003.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Babcock, E. B., and G. Ledyard Stebbins. 1938. The American Species of Crepis: Their Interrelationships and Distribution as Affected by Polyploidy and Apomixis. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1938. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Bach, Andrew J., Ronald I. Dorm, Deborah L. Elliott-Fisk, and Fred M. Phillips. 1992. Glacial Avulsion in Pleistocene Moraine Complexes of the East-central Sierra Nevada, California. History of Water: Eastern Sierra Nevada, Owens Valley, White-Inyo Mountains. WMRS Symposium Volume 4. 1992.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Bacon, Steven N., and Silvio K. Pezzopane. 2007. A 25,000-year record of earthquakes on the Owens Valley fault near Lone Pine, California: Implications for recurrence intervals, slip rates, and segementation models. GSA Bulletin. 119(7/8):823-847. {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Badger, Thomas C., and Robert J. Watters. 2004. Gigantic seismogenic landslides of Summer Lake basin, south-central Oregon. GSA Bulletin. 116(5/6):687-697. {TAS-pdf}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Burn Area Emergency Response Team. 2005. Burned Area Emergency Stabilization Plan: Hackberry Complex. Primm, Nevada: National-Interagency Burned Area Emergency Response Team, July 5, 2005.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Baer, James L., and Robert H. Steed. 2003. Geology of Kodachrome Basin State Park, Utah. pp. 449-463 in Sprinkel, Douglas A., Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., and Paul B. Andersen, eds., 2003. Geology of Utah's Parks and Monuments, 2nd Edition. Utah Geological Association Publication 28. Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Geological Association and Bryce Canyon Natural History Association, 2003.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Bagley, Mark. 2002. Botanical survey or proposed Benton Crossing landfill and Pumice Valley landfill expansion areas, Mono County, California.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Bagnold, R. A. 1954. The physics of wind blown sand and desert dunes. Chapman and Hall: London. 265 p.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Bagnold, R. A. 1966. The shearing and dilation of dry sand and the "singing" mechanism. Royal Society of London, Proceedings Series A. 295: 219-232.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Bahm, Matt A., Thomas G. Barnes, and Kent C. Jensen. 2011. Restoring Native Plant Communities in Smooth Brome (Bromus inermis)–Dominated Grasslands. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 4(2):239-250.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Bailey, D. K. 1988. The Single-needle Pinyons - One Taxon or Three?. pp. pp. 1-18. in Hall, Clarence A., Jr and Victoria Doyle-Jones (Eds.). 1988.. The Mary DeDecker Symposium. University of California, White Mountain Research Station.. Plant Biology of Eastern California.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Bailey, L. H. 1886. A Preliminary Synopsis of North American Carices, including those ot Mexico, Central America, and Greenland, with the American Bibliography of the Genus. Contribution from the Herbarium of Harvard University. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 22: 59-157. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Bailey, L. H. 1889. Studies of the Types of various Species of the Genus Carex. Memoirs of the torrey Botanical Club. 1(1):1-86. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Baillon, Henri. 1867-95. Historie des Plantes. 13 vols.. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Bai, T. J. 1990. Association of Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag. [and] Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelmann. Dissertation Abstracts International. B. Sciences and Engineering. 50(8):3247B-3248B.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Baker, A. A. 1935. Geologic Structure of Southeastern Utah. AAPG Bulletin. 19.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Balanyá, J. C., V. Garciá-Dueñas, and J. M. Azañón. 1997. Alternating contractional and extensional events in the Alpujarride nappes of the Alboran domain (Betics, Gibraltar Arc). Tectonics. 16: 226-238.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Baldwin, Bruce G., Steve Boyd, Barbara J. Ertter, Robert W. Patterson, Thomas J. Rosatti, and Dieter H. Wilken. 2002. The Jepson Desert Manual: Vascular Plants of Southeastern California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2002.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Baldwin, Bruce G., Douglas H. Goldman, David J. Keil, Robert Patterson, and Thomas J. Rosatti. 2012. The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, Second Edition. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, January 2012. {TAS}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Baldwin, Bruce G., Susan Kalisz, and W. Scott Armbruster. 2011. Phylogenetic perspectives on diversification, biogeography, and floral evolution of Collinsia and Tonella (Plantaginaceae). American Journal of Botany. 98(4):731-753. {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Baldwin, Bruce G., Donald W. Kyhos, Scott N. Martins, Frank C. Vasek, and Bridget L. Wessa. 1996. Natural hybridization between species of Ambrosia and Hymenoclea salsola (Compositae). Madroño. 43(1):15-27.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Baldwin, Bruce G., and Kenneth R. Wood. 2016. Origin of the Raa endemic Apostates: Revisiting major disjunctions and evolutionary conservatism in the Bahia alliance (Compositae: Bahieae). Taxon. 66(5):1064-1080. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Baldwin, Bruce G., and Kenneth R, Wood. 2916. Origin of the Rapa endemic genus Apostates: Revisiting major disjunctions and evolutionary conservatism in the Bahia alliance (Compositae: Bahieae). Taxon. 65(5):1064-1080. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Balls, Edward K. 1962. Early Uses of California Plants. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1962.

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Bradley, Dwight C., Lisa L. Stillings, Brian W. Jaskula, LeeAnn Munk, and Andrew D. McCauley. 2017. Lithium. pp. K1-17 in Schulz, Klaus J., John H. DeYoung, Jr., Robert R. Seal II, and Dwight C. Bradley. Critical Mineral Resources of the United States—Economic and Environmental Geology and Prospects for Future Supply. Professional Paper 1802. Link to external document. Date retrieved: 7 March 2021

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Bradley, Dwight, LeeAnn Munk, Hillary Jochens, Scott Hynek, and Keigh Labay. 2013. A Preliminary Deposit Model for Lithium Brines. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1006.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Brandegee, T. S. 1903. Flora of the Providence Mountains. Zoe. 5(9):147-153.

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Brandegee, T. S. 1899. New Species of Western Plants. Botanical Gazette. 27(6):444-457. Gilia sedifolia Brandeg. described on p. 451.

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Britton, Nathaniel Lord, et al. 1894. List ot Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta growing without Cultivation in Northeastern North America. Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club. 5: 1-366. Link to external document. Written by a committee composed of N. L. Britton, Frederick V. Coville, John M. Coulter, Lucien M. Underwood, Henry H. Rusby, Lester F. Ward, and William. A. Kelerman. The committee was increased to nine persons with the addition of Edward L. Greene and William Trelease.

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Casebier, Dennis G. 1989. Guide to the East Mojave Heritage Trail: Rocky Ridge to Fenner. Tales of the Mojave Road Number 15. Norco, California: Tales of the Mojave Road Publishing Company, October 1989. {TAS}

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Chenoweth, William L. 2003. Geology of Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Utah-Arizona. pp. 529-533 in Sprinkel, Douglas A., Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., and Paul B. Andersen, eds., 2003. Geology of Utah's Parks and Monuments, 2nd Edition. Utah Geological Association Publication 28. Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Geological Association and Bryce Canyon Natural History Association, 2003.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Chesnut, V. K., and E. V. Wilcox. 1901. The Stock-poisoning Plants of Montana. Preliminary Report. Bulletin #26m.. Washington, DC: United States Department of Agriculture. Division of Botany. Government Printing Office., 1901.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Chesterman, Charles W. 1968. Volcanic Geology of the Bodie Hills, Mono County. pp. 45-68 in Coats, Robert R., Richard L. Hay, and Charles A. Anderson. Studies in Volcanology: A Memoir in Honor of Howel Williams. Memoir 116. Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America, 1968. {TAS}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Chester, Tom, and Michael Charters. 2008. Does Geranium richardsonii Exist In Southern California?. {TAS-pdf} (http://tchester.org/plants/analysis/geranium/richardsonii.html, accessed 21 February 2015, includes a side-by-side comparison of charactreristics of Geranium californicum and G. richardsonii)

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Chidsey, Thomas C., Jr., Grant C. Willis, Douglas A. Sprinkel, and Paul B. ANderson. 2003. Geology of Rainbow Bridge National Monument, Utah. pp. 251-261 in Sprinkel, Douglas A., Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., and Paul B. Andersen, eds., 2003. Geology of Utah's Parks and Monuments, 2nd Edition. Utah Geological Association Publication 28. Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Geological Association and Bryce Canyon Natural History Association, 2003.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Christensen, M. N. and C. M. Gilbert. 1964. Basaltic Cone Suggests Constructional Origin of Some Guyots. Science. 143(3603):240-242. {TAS-abs}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Chronic, Halka. 1990. Roadside Geology of Utah. Missoula, Montana: Mountain Press Publishing Company, 1990.

Chronic, Halka, and Felicie Williams. 2002. Roadside Geology of Colorado, 2nd edition. Missoula, Montana: Mountain Press Publishing Company, 2002.

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Clark, Marin K., Gweltaz Maheo, Jason Saleeby, and Kenneth A Farley. 2005. The non-equilibrium landscape of the southern Sierra Nevada, California. GSA Today. 15(9):4-10. {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

Clark, W. B. 1970. Gold Districts in California. California Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 193. 153.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Clark, William D., and David Muench. 1972. Death Valley: The Story Behind The Scenery. Las Vegas, NV: KC Publications, 1972. {TAS}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

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   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Clausen, Jens, D. D. Keck, and Wm. M. Heisey. 1940. The Genus Artemisia. Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication. 520: 325-350.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Clausen J., D. D. Keck D. D. and W. M. Heisey. 1940. Experimental studies on the nature of species I: The effect of varied environments on western North American plants. Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication. 520.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

California Native Plant Society, Bristlecone Chapter. 2000. Newsletter. 20(5).

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Coats, Robert R. 1968. The Circle Creek Rhyolite, A Volcanic Complex in Northern Elko County, Nevada. pp. 69-106 in Coats, Robert R., Richard L. Hay, and Charles A. Anderson. Studies in Volcanology: A Memoir in Honor of Howel Williams. Memoir 116. Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America, 1968. {TAS}

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Cochrane, Theodore S. 1976. Taxonomic status of the Onosmodium molle complex (Boraginaceae) in Wisconsin. The Michigan Botanist. 15(2):103-110 (331-338). Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Cockerell, T. D. A. 1902. Notes on Southwestern Plants. Torreya. 2(3). Link to external document.

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   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Cody, M. L. 1978. Distribution of Haplopappus and Chrysothamnus in The Mojave Desert. I. Niche position and niche shifts on north-facing granitic slopes. American Journal of Botany. 65(10):1107-1116.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Cody, M. L. 1986a. Spacing patterns in Mojave Desert plant communities: near-neighbor analysis. Journal of Arid Environments. 11: 199-217. {TAS}

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Colbry, Vera Lyola. 1957. Diagnostic characteristics of the fruits and florets of economic species of North American Sporobolus. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. 34(1). Washington, D. C.: United States National Museum, 1957. {TAS-pdf} Taxa found in Golden: Sporobolus airoides, S. compositus, and S. cryptandrus. There are no Sporobolus collections from the Mono Lake basin.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Coleman, Caitlin. 2014. Citizen's Guide to Colorado's Transbasin Diversions. 2014.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Coleman, Drew S., Stephanie Briggs, Allen F. Glazner, and C. J. Northrup. 2003. Timing of plutonism and deformation in the White Mountains of eastern California. GSA Bulletin. 115(1):48-57. {TAS-pdf}

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Coleman, R. G., D. E. Lee, L. B. Beatty, and W. W. Brannock. 1965. Eclogites and eclogites: Their differences and similarities. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 76: 483-508.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Colgan, Joseph P., Trevor A. Dumitru, and Elizabeth L. Miller. 2004. Diachroneity of Basin and Range extension and Yellowstone hotspot volcanism in northwestern Nevada. Geology. 32(2):121-124. {TAS-pdf}

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Columbus, J. Travis, Michael S. Kinney, Maria Elena Siqueiros Delgado, and J. Mark Porter. 2000. Phylogenetics of Bouteloua and Relatives (Granineae: Chloridoideae): Cladistic Parsimony Analysis of Internal Transcribed Spacer (nrDNA) and trnL-F (cpDNA) Sequences. pp. 189-194 in Jacobs, Surrey W. L., and Joy Everrrett. Grasses: Systematics and Evolution. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia: CSIRO, 2000.

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Comstock, J. P., T. A. Cooper, and J. R. Ehleringer. 1988. Seasonal patterns of canopy development and carbon gain in nineteen warm desert shrub species. Oecologia (Berlin). 75(3):327-335. {TAS} [Ecophysiology Lab, Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 USA]

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Colorado Natural Heritage Program. 2005. Ecological System Descriptions and Viability Guidelines for Colorado. Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Constantine, Helen. 1993. Plant Communities of the Mono Basin. Mono Lake Committee Field Guide Series. Lee Vining, CA: Mono Lake Committee, 1993.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Constantine, José Antonio, Stephen R. McLean and Thomas Dunne. 2010. A mechanism of chute cutoff along large meandering rivers with uniform fl oodplain topography. GSA Bulletin. 122(5/6):855-869. {TAS-pdf}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Cook, Ronald U., and Andrew Warren. 1973. Geomorphology in Deserts. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press..

   Articles that cite this literature:

Cook, Harry E. 1968. Ignimbrite Flows, Plugs, and Dikes in the Southern Part of the Hot Creek Range, Nye County, Nevada. pp. 107-152 in Coats, Robert R., Richard L. Hay, and Charles A. Anderson. Studies in Volcanology: A Memoir in Honor of Howel Williams. Memoir 116. Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America, 1968. {TAS}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Cooper, John D. 1987. Lower Paleozoic craton-margin section, northern Potosi Valley, southern Spring Moutains, Clark County, Nevada. pp. pp. 61-66 in Hill, Mason. Centennial field guide.

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Corsetti, Frank A., and John P. Grotzinger. 2005. Origin and Significance of Tube Structures in Neoproterozoic Post-glacial Cap Carbonates: Example from Noonday Dolomite, Death Valley, United States. Palaios. 20: 348-362. {TAS-pdf}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Corsetti, Frank A., and James W. Hagadorn. 2003. The Precambrian-Cambrian transition in the southern Great Basin, USA. The Sedimentary Record. 1(1).

   Articles that cite this literature:

Corsetti, Frank A, and Alan J. Kaufman. 2003. Stratigraphic investigations of carbon isotope anomalies and Neoproterozoic ice ages in Death Valley, California. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 115(8):916-932. {TAS}

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Coulter, John Merle. 1885. Manual of the botany (phaenogamia and pteridophyta) of the Rocky mountain region : from New Mexico to the British boundary. New York: American Book Company, 1885. Link to external document.

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Coulter, John M. 1890. Upon a collection of plants made by Mr. G. C. Neally in the region of the Rio Grande, in Texas, from Brazos Santiago to El Paso County. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. 1: 29-62. Link to external document. Date retrieved: 21 March 2021.

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Coulter, John M. 1891. Botany of Western Texas. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. 2: 1-569. Link to external document.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Coulter, John M., and J. N. Rose. 1900. Monograph of the North American Umbelliferae. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. 7(1):9-256. Link to external document.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Countryman, Clive M. 1969. Final Report. Project Flambeau: An Investigation of Mass Fire (1964-1967). I. Berkeley, California: U. S. Forest Service, 1969. (Date retrieved: 8 April 2017. http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf&AD=AD0710979)

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   Articles that cite this literature:

Coville Frederick V. 1893. Botany of the Death Valley Expedition. Contributions from the U. S. National Herbarium. 4. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1893. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Coville, Frederick Vernon. 1895. Juncus scirpoides and its immediate Relatives. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 22(7):302-305. Link to external document.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Cox, B.F., J. W. Hillhouse, and L. A. Owen. 2003. Pliocene and Pleistocene evolution of the Mojave River, and associated tectonic development of the Transverse Ranges and Mojave Desert, based on borehole stratigraphy studies and mapping of landforms and sediments near Victorville, California. pp. 1-42 in Enzel, Y., S. G. Wells, and N. Lancaster. Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts. Geological Society of America Special Paper 368. Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America, 2003.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Cox, Billy Joe. 1972a. Biosystematics of Lupinus Lepidus - Lupinus caespitosus complex. Ph. D. Dissertation. 1972. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Cox, Billy Joe. 1972b. [Placeholder]. Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science, St. Louis. 6: 60. Link to external document. This bibliographic entry is a placeolder for publication of L. caespitosus var. utahensis (S. Watson) B. J. Cox that I am unable to find .

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Cox, Billy Joe. 1973. A chemosystematic comparison of the Lupinus lepidus-L. caespitosus complex. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 100(1):12-17. Link to external document. Also available through Sci-Hub.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Crawford, J. J. 1894. Twelfth Report of the State Mineralogist. Sacramento, CA: California State Mining Bureau, 1894. {TAS-pdf}

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Criswell, David R., John F. Lindsay, and David L. Reasoner. 1973. Acoustic and Seismic Emissions of a Booming Dune. Seismology. Fall Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 1973. 54(11):1133. 1973.

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Criswell, D. R., J. F. Lindsay, and D. L. Reasoner. 1975. Seismic and acoustic emissions of a booming dune. Journal of Geophysical Research. 80(35):4963-4974. Washington DC: American Geophysical Union, December 10, 1975. {TAS}

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Cronquist, Arthur. 1943. The Separation of Erigeron from Conyza. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 70(6):629-632. Link to external document. https://doi.org/10.2307/2481719

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Cronquist, Arthur. 1947. A revision of the North American species of Erigeron, north of Mexico. Brittonia. 6: 121-302.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Cronquist, A, D. D. Keck, and B. Maguire. 1956. Validity of Nuttall's names in Fraser's Catalogue. Rhodora. 58: 23-24.

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Cross, Whitman, Frederic F. Chisolm, Regis Chauvenet, and P. H. van Diest. 1884. The Artesian Wells of Denver. Denver, CO: Colorado Scientific Society, June, 1884. {TAS-pdf}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Crosswhite, Frank S. 1965. Concerning Penstemon unilateralis and Penstemon secundiflorus. The Southwestern Naturalist. 10(4):318.

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Cruikshank, Kenneth M., and Atilla Aydin. 1004. Role of fracture localization in arch formation, Arches National Park, Utah. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 106: 879-891.

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California Regional Water Quality Control Board. 2006. Revised Sodium-Related Standards for the Carson and Walker River Watersheds. Draft Substitute Environmental Document. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150: California Regional Water Quality Control Board, April 2006. {TAS-pdf} Contains information about senstitive species in the Bodie Hills.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Colorado State University. 2019. Guide to Poisonous Plants. Date retrieved: 8 May 2020. URL: https://csuvth.colostate.edu/poisonous_plants/

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Cunningham, Isabel Shipley. 1994. Howard Scott Gentry (1901-1993): Distinguished Economic Botanist and President, Society for Economic Botany 1974. Economic Botany. 48(4):359-381. BioSci: SB1.E37, TAS Refers briefly to "Marie Gentry."

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Curran, M. K. 1885. List of the plants described in California, principally in the Proc. of the Cal. Acad. of Sciences, by Dr. Albert Kellogg, Dr. H. H. Behr, and Mr. H. N. Bolander: with an attempt at their identification. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 128-151.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Curzon of Kedleston, Marquess. 1923. Tales of Travel. London: Hodder and Stroughton. 344 p.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Cuvier, Frederic. 1821. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, dans lequel on traite … Abbreviated: Dict. Sci. Nat. (ed. 2). 20. Link to external document.

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Colorado Water Conservation Board. 2009. Yampa River Basin. Colorado's Decision Support Systems.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Carson & Walker Rivers Area Committee. 2006. Walker River Geographic Response Plan. {TAS-pdf} This document has nearly 50 high-quality photographs of the East and West Walker Rivers that are well-identified as to location. Found at: ndep.nv.gov/BCA/emergency/walker_river_plan06.pdf

   Locations referred to by this literature:

d'Alessio, M. A., A. E. Blythe, and R. Burgmann. 2003. No frictional heat along the San Gabriel fault, California: Evidence from fission-track thermochronology. Geology. 31(6):541-544.

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Danskin, Wesley R. 1998. Evaluation of the hydrologic system and selected water-management alternatives in the Owens, Valley, California. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2370-H. Denver, CO: U.S. Geological Survey, 1998.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Daubenmire, Rexford F. . Plants and Environment : A Textbook of Plant Autecology.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Daubenmire, Rexford F. . Plant Communities; A Textbook of Plant Synecology.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Davatzes, Nicholas C., Peter Eichhubl, and Atilla Aydin. 2005. Structural evolution of fault zones in sandstone by multiple deformation mechanisms: Moab fault, southeast Utah. GSA Bulletin. 117(1/2):135-148. {TAS-pdf}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Davies, Andrew, Alan E.S. Kemp, Graham P. Weedon, and John A. Barron. 2012. El Niño–Southern Oscillation variability from the Late Cretaceous Marca Shale of California. Geology. 40(1):15-18. {TAS-pdf}

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Davies, G. R., P. H. Nixon, D. G. Pearson, and M. Obata. 1993. Tectonic implications of graphitized diamonds from the Ronda peridotite massif, southern Spain. Geology. 21: 471-474. {TAS-pdf}

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Davis Jr., R. A. A.T. Welty, J. Borrego, J.A. Morales, J.G. Pendon, and J.G. Ryan. 2000. Rio Tinto estuary (Spain): 5000 years of pollution. Environmental Geology. 39(10):1107-1117. {TAS-pdf} http://chuma.cas.usf.edu/~ryan/RioTinto.pdf

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Davis, George H., and Gayle L. Pollack. 2003. Geology of Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. pp. 37-60 in Sprinkel, Douglas A., Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., and Paul B. Andersen, eds., 2003. Geology of Utah's Parks and Monuments, 2nd Edition. Utah Geological Association Publication 28. Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Geological Association and Bryce Canyon Natural History Association, 2003.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Gould, Frank W. 1979. The Genus Bouteloua (Poaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 66(3):348-416.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Grant, Todd A., Bridgette Flanders-Wanner, Terry L. Shaffer, Robert K. Murphy, and Gregg A. Knutsen. 2009. An Emerging Crisis across Northern Prairie Refuges: Prevalence of Invasive Plants and a Plan for Adaptive Management. Ecological Restoration. 27(1):58-65.

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Grant, Verne. 1956. A Synopsis of Ipomopsis. Aliso. 3(3):351-362. https://scholarship.claremont.edu/aliso/vol3/iss3/9/

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Grant, Verne. 1992. Systematics and Phylogeny of the Ipomopsis aggregata Group (Polemoniaceae): Traditional and Molecular Approaches. Systematic Botany. 17(4):683-691. Contains a reanalysis of I. a. subsp. collina and I. a. subsp. candida.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Grant, Verne, and Dieter H. Wilken. 1986. Taxonomy of the Ipomopsis aggregata group (Polemoniaceae). Botanical Gazette. 147(3):359-371. {TAS-Abs}

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   Articles that cite this literature:

Gray, Asa. 1849. Plantae Fendlerianae Novi-Mexicanae; An Account of a Collection of Plants made chiefly in the Vicinity of Santa Fe, New Mexico, by Augustus Fendler;. with Descriptions of the New Species, Critical Remarks, and Characters of other undescribed or little known Plants from surrounding Regions. Memoirs of the American Academy. IV(I):1-116. Link to external document.

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Gray, Asa. 1850. Art. I.—Plantae Lindheimerianae, Part II. An Account of a collection of Plants made by F. Lindheimer in the Western part of Texasm in the Years 1845-6 and 1847-8, with Critical Remarks, Descriptions of new Species, &c. Boston Journal of Natural History. 6(2):141-240. Link to external document.

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Gray, Asa. 1856. Manual of the botany of the northern United states. New York: George P. Putnam & Co., 1856. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/106369

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Gray, Asa. 1867. Manual of the botany of the northern United States : including the district east of the Mississippi and north of North Carolina and Tennessee, arranged according to the natural system. New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman, 1867. Link to external document.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Gray, Asa. 1880. Contributions to North American Botany: I. Notes on some Compositae. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. VIII (XVI): 78-108. Boston: University Press: John Wilson and Son, June 9, 1880.

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Gray, Asa. 1886. XXIV. Contributions to American Botany, 1. A Revision of the North American Ranunculi.. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 13, n.s.: 363-413. Link to external document.

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Grayson, D. K., and S. D. Livingston. 1993. Missing mammals on great basin mountains: Holocene extinctions and inadequate knowledge. Conservation Biology. 7(3):527-532. Seattle, WA 98195, USA: Burke Museum, Univ. Washington.

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Greene, David C., Richard A. Schweickert, and Calvin H. Stevens. 1997. Roberts Mountains allochthon and the western margin of the Cordilleran miogeocline in the Northern Ritter Range pendant, eastern Sierra Nevada, California. GSA Bulletin. 109(10):1294-1305. {TAS}

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Greene, Edward L. 1885. Studies in the Botany of California and Parts Adjacent. Bulletin of the California Academy of Sciences. 1(3):66-127. Link to external document.

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Greene, Edward L. 1886. Studies in the Botany of California and arts Adjacent - IV. 1. On Some Chicoriaceous Compositae. Bulletin of the California Academy of Sciences. 2(5):41-55. Link to external document.

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Greene, Edward Lee. 1891-97. Flora Franciscana. An attempt to classify and describe the vascular plants of middle California. San Francisco: Cubery & Co., 1891-97.

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Greene, Edward L. 1893. Novitates Occidentales.-IV. Erythea. a journal of botany, West American and general. 1: 147-153. Link to external document.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Greene, Edward L. 1894b. Novitates Occidentales -- IX. Erythea: A Journal of Botany, West American and General. 2(12):189-191. Link to external document.

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Greene, Edward Lee. 1899c. New Species of Sisyrinchium. Pittonia. v(20):32-34. Link to external document.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

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   Articles that cite this literature:

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

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   Articles that cite this literature:

Laity, June. 2000. The Lower Mojave Valley: Mojave Desert, California: A Destabilizing Aeolian Environment (Abstract). pp. 78-79 in Reynolds, Robert E., and Jennifer Reynolds, 2000. Empty Basins, Vanished Lakes: A Field Guide to Afton, Baxter, Tecopa, Shoshone, Pahrump and Kingston. San Bernardino County Museum Association Quarterly. 47(2). Redlands, CA: San Bernardino County Museum Association, 2000. {TAS}

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Lajoie, K. R. 1968. Late Quaternary stratigraphy and geologic history of Mono Basin, eastern California. Thesis (Ph.D. in Geology)--Univ. of California, Berkeley..

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste. 1786. Encyclopedie Methodique: Botanique. 2. http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/15260

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   Articles that cite this literature:

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   Articles that cite this literature:

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   Articles that cite this literature:

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   Articles that cite this literature:

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lamson-Scribner, F. 1900. American Grasses. 1. Washington: Government Printing Office., 1900. {TAS-pdf} Dare retrieved: 16 July 2020, URL: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/52970

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Landis, Edwin R., C. H. Dane, and William Aubrey Cobban. 1973. Stratigraphic terminology of the Dakota Sandstone and Mancos Shale, West-Central New Mexico. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1973.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Lane, Meredith A. 1982. Neotypification of Gutierrezia linearifolia Lag. (Compositae: Asterae). Taxon. 31(2):330. Link to external document.

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Langenheim, V. E., R. C. Jachens, D. M. Morton, R. W. Kisler, and J. C. Matti. 2004. Geophysical and isotopic mapping of preexisting crustal structures that influenced the location and development of the San Jacinto Fault zone, southern California. GSA Bulletin. 116(9/10):1143-1157. {TAS-pdf}

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   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Lanner, Ronald M. 1981. The Piñon Pine: A Natural and Cultural History. Reno Nevada: University of Nevada Press, 1981. {TAS}

Larrañaga, Dámaso Antonio. 1922. Escritos de don Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga. Part I. Montevideo, Uruguay: Instituto Historico y Geografico del Uruguay, 1922.

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Larrañaga, Dámaso Antonio. 1923. Escritos de don Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga. Part II. Montevideo, Uruguay: Instituto Historico y Geografico del Uruguay, 1922.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Larsen, Esper S. 1929. Recent Mining Developments in the Creede District, Colorado. Contributions to Economic Geology. Bulletin 811B, Part I. https://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/0811b/report.pdf, contains a good historic map of the Creede Mining Region

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Laughlin, Breeana. 2013. Toxic Pennsylvania Mine cleanup under way in Summit County. Summit Daily. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: 1 July 2018: https://www.summitdaily.com/news/local/toxic-pennsylvania-mine-cleanup-under-way-in-summit-county/

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Lavin, M. 1983. Floristics of the upper Walker River, California and Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist. 43(1):93-130.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Lawson, Peter & Son. 1836. The Agriculturalist's manual : being a familiar description of the agricultural plants cultivated in Europe,. including practical observations respecting those suited to the climate of Great Britain, and forming a report of Lawson's Agricultural Museum in Edinburgh. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1836. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/165048

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lawton, Elva. 1958. Mosses of Nevada. The Bryologist. 61(4):314-334. Refers to a collection of a moss in Yant Pit Canyon, unknown whether the location of the canyon is actually given.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Lawton, Timothy F., and Brenda J. Buck. 2006. Implications of diapir-derived detritus and gypsic paleosols in Lower Triassic strata near the Castle Valley salt wal, Paradox Basin, Utah. Geology. 34(10):885-888. {TAS-pdf}

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Leadabrand, Russ. 1996. A Guidebook to the Mojave Desert of California: Including Death Valley, Joshua Tree National Monument, and the Antelope Valley. Los Angeles, California: The Ward Ritchie Press, 1966. {TAS} Does not mention the eastern Mojave.

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LeBuhn, Gretchen. 2004. Seasonal variation in reproductive traits in Ipomopsis longiflora (Polemoniaceae), a desert annual. Revue Canadienne de Botanique. 82(4):401-408.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Ledebour, Carl (Karl) Friedrich von. 1812. Sex Decades Plantarum Novarum in Imperio Rossico Indigenarum. Me´moires de l'Acade´mie impe´riale des sciences de St. Pe´tersbourg. 5: 514-578. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Lee, Eung-Pill, Young-Sub Han, Soo-In Lee, Kyu-Tae Cho, Jae-Hoon Park, and Young-Han You. 2017. Effect of nutrient and moisture on the growth and reproduction of Epilobium hirsutum L., an endangered plant. Journal of Ecology and Environment. 41(35). Link to external document.

Lee, Joongku, Bruce G. Baldwin, and L. D. Gottlieb. 2003. Phylogenetic Relationships among the Primarily North American Genera of Cichorieae (Compositae) based on Analysis of 18S-26S Nuclear rDNA ITS and ETS sequences. Systematic Botany. 28(3):616-626.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Lee, Jeffrey, Jason Garwood, Daniel F. Stockli and John Gosse. 2009. Quaternary faulting in Queen Valley, California-Nevada: Implications for kinematics of fault-slip transfer in the eastern California shear zone– Walker Lane belt. GSA Bulletin. 121(3/4):599-614. {TAS-pdf}

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Lee, Jeffrey, Joel Spencer, and Lewis Owen. 2001. Holocene slip rates along the Owens Valley fault, California: Implications for the recent evolution of the Eastern California Shear Zone. Geology. 29(9):819-822. {TAS-pdf} Panborne Lane, Lone Pine, California.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Lee, J., Stockli, D., Schroeder, J., Tincher, C., Bradley, D., Owen, L., Gosse, J., Finkel, R., and Garwood, J. 2006. Fault Slip Transfer in the Eastern California Shear Zone – Walker Lane Belt. Kinematics and Geodynamics of Intraplate Dextral Shear in Eastern California and Western Nevada, Mammoth Lakes, California, 21–26 April 2005. Field Trip Guide. 2006. {TAS-pdf}

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Lees, Jonathan M. 2002. Three-dimensional anatomy of a geothermal field, Coso, southeast-central California. pp. 259-276 in Glazner, Allen F., Douglas Walker, and John M. Bartley, 2002. Geologic evolution of the Mojave Desert and southwestern Basin and Range. Memoir 195. Boulder, CA: Geological Society of America, 2002. {TAS}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Lehman, Johann G. C. 1818. Plantae e Familiae Asperifoliarum Nuciferae. 2 vols.. Link to external document. Asperifoliae is an archaic name for Boraginaceae.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Lehman, Johann G. C. 1828-1857. Novarum et minus cognitarum stirpium pugillus I-X, addita enumeratione plantarum omnium in his pugillis descriptarum. 10 vols. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Lei, Simon A. and Lawrence R. Walker. 1997a. Classification and ordination of Coleogyne communities in southern Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist. 57(2):155-162.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Lei, Simon A., and Lawrence R. Walker. 1997b. Biotic and abiotic factors influencing the distribution of Coleogyne communities in southern Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist. 57(2):163-171.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Lei, S. A. 1995. A gradient analysis of Coleogyne communities in southern Nevada. Unpublished master's thesis. University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lei, S. A. 1996a. A gradient analysis of the Mojave Desert woody vegetation in a southern Nevada mountain range. American Journal of Botany. 83(6 SUPPL):84.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lei, S. A. 1996b. Environmental constraints on the distribution of Coleogyne shrublands in southern Nevada. American Journal of Botany. 83(6 SUPPL):84.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lei, Simon A. 1977. Variation in germination response to temperature and water availability in blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) and its ecological significance. Great Basin Naturalist. 57(2):172-177.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Lei, S. A. 1997. Variation in germination response to temperature and water availability in blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) and its ecological significance. Great Basin Naturalist. 57(2):172-177.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lei, Simon A. 1998. Soil properties of the Kelso Sand Dunes in the Mojave Desert. Southwestern Naturalist. 43(1):47-52. {TAS}

Lei, S. A. and L. R. Walker. 1994. Environmental factors influencing the distribution of Coleogyne communities in southern Nevada. Bulletin Of The Ecological Society Of America. 75(2 Part 2):130.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lei, S. A., and L. R. Walker. 1995. Classification and ordination of Coleogyne communities in southern Nevada. Bulletin of the Ecological Society Of America. 76(2 Suppl Pt 2):158.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lei, S. A., and L. R. Walker. 1995. Composition and distribution of blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) communities in southern Nevada. pp. 192-195 in Roundy, Bruce A., E. Durant McArthur, Jennifer S. Haley, David K. Mann, compilers. Proceedings: wildland shrub and arid land restoration symposium. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-315. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 384 p. October 19-21, 1993. Las Vegas, NV

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lei, S A and L. R. Walker. 1997a. Classification and ordination of Coleogyne communities in southern Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist. 57(2):155-162.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lei, S. A., and L. R. Walker. 1997b. Biotic and abiotic factors influencing the distribution of Coleogyne communities in southern Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist. 57(2):163-171.

   Articles that cite this literature:

   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lemaire, (Antoine) Charles. 1868. Les Cactees Histoire, Patrie Organes de Vegetation, Inflorescence Culture, etc. Link to external document.

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Lenz, Lee W. 1986. Marcus E. Jones: Western Geologist, Mining Engineer & Botanist. Claremont, CA: Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1986. {TAS}

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Leonard, Eric M., et al. 2002. High Plains to Rio Grande Rift: Late Cenozoic Evolution of Central Colorado. Field Trip Guide for 2002 Denver Annual Meeting (October 27-30, 2002).

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Lewis, Walter H., and Barbara Ertter. 2007. Subspecies of Rosa nutkana and R. woodsii (Rosaceae) in Western North Wmaerica. Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature. 17(3):341-353. Link to external document.

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Leysser, Friedrich Wilhelm von. 1761. Flora Halensis; exhibens plantas circa Halam Salicam crescentes secundum systema sexuale Linnaeanum distributas. Halae Salicae: Sumtibus auctoris, 1761. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Leysser, Friedrich Wilhelm von. 1783. Flora Halensis : exhibens plantas circa Halam Salicam crescentes secundum systema sexuale Linnaeanum distributas. Halae Salicae: Sumtibus auctoris, 1783. Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Liddicoat, Joseph C., and Robert S. Coe. 1979. Mono Lake Geomagnetic Excursion. Journal of Geophysical Research. 84(81):261-271. {TAS-pdf}

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Lienkaemper, James J., Silvio K. Pezzopane, Malcolm M. Clark, and Michael J. Rymer. 1987. Fault fractures formed in association with the 1986 Chalfant Valley, California, earthquake sequence: Preliminary report. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 77(1):297-305.

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Lifton, Zachary, Jeffrey Lee, Kurt Frankel, Andrew V. Newman, and Jeffrey Schroeder. 2021. Quaternary slip rates on the White Mountains fault zone, eastern California: Implications for comparing geologic to geodetic slip rates across the Walker Lane. GSA Bulletin. 133(1/2):307-324. Link to external document. {TAS-pdf}

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Li, Hong-Chun, The-Lung Ku, and Lowell D. Stott. 1997. Stable isotope studies on Mono Lake (California). 1. d18O in lake sediments as proxy for climatic change during the last 150 years. Limnology and Oceanography. 43(2):230-238. {TAS-pdf}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Likes, Robert C. 197x. Mono Mills to Bodie. Desert Magazine. {TAS} Available on the Internet, by permission, at: http://www.explorehistoricalif.com/mono_mills.html.

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Likes, Robert C., and Glenn R. Day. 1975. From this Mountain -- Cerro Gordo. Bishop, CA: Chalfant Press, 1975. {TAS}

   Locations referred to by this literature:

Lindley, John. 1831. Audibertia incana. Bot. Reg. 17: 1469.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lindley, John. 1820. Rosarum monographia, or, A botanical history of roses : to which is added an appendix for the use of cultivators in which the most remarkable garden varieties are systematically arranged. London: Printed for J. Ridgeway, 1820. Link to external document.

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Lindley, John. 1827. Mimulus floribundus. Botanical Register; Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment. London. 13(1125):1928. Link to external document.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Lindley, John. 1828. Berberis repens. Botanical Reister. No. . Link to external document.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Lindsay, J. F., D. R. Criswell, T. L. Criswell, and B. S. Criswell. 1976. Sound-producing dune and beach sands. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 87(3):463-473. Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America (GSA), March 1976.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Link, Heinrich Friedrich. 1827-1833. Hortus Regius Botanicus Berolinensis descriptus, ab Henrico Friderico Link. 2 vols. Link to external document. Date retrieved: 25 March 2021.

   Articles that cite this literature:

Linne´, Carl von. 1737. Hortus Cliffortianus : plantas exhibens quas in hortis tam vivis quam siccis, Hartecampi in Hollandia, coluit ... Georgius Clifford ... reductis varietatibus ad species …. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/13838

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

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Linnaeus, Carl. 1766-1768. Caroli a Linne´ ... Systema naturae : per regna tria natura, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Holmiae: Laurentii Salvii,, 1766-1768. Link to external document.

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   Taxa referred to by this literature:

Linne´, Carl von. 1782. Supplementum plantarum Systematis vegetabilium editionis decimae tertiae, Generum plantarum editionis sextae, et Specierum plantarum editionis secunda. Brunsvigae [Brunswick, W. Germany]: Impensis Orphanotrophei, 1781. Link to external document.

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Linne, Carl von, and Lars Salvius. 1763. Species plantarum (ed. 2). 2 vols. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/11179

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Maule, William H. 1938. A Contribution to the Geographic and Economic History of the Carson, Walker, and Mono Basins in Nevada and California. 1938. Twenty-two copies were printed, one is said to be at the Nevada State Library, Carson City, NV.

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McCurry, Michael. 1988. Geology and Petrology of the Woods Mountains Volcanic Center, Southeastern California: Implications for the Genesis of Peralkaline Rhyolite Ash Flow Tuffs. Journal of Geophysical Research. 93(B12):14,835-14,855.

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McCurry, Michael, Daniel R. Lux, and Kevin L. Mickus. 1995. Neogene structural evolution of the Woods Mountains Volcanic Center, East Mojave National Scenic Area. Ancient Surfaces of the East Mojave Desert: A volume and field trip guide prepared in conjunction with the 1995 Desert Research Symposium. San Bernardino County Museum Association Quarterly. 42(3).

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McDonald, E.V., L. D. McFadden, and S. G. Wells. 2003. Regional response of alluvial fans to the Pleistocene-Holocene climatic transition, Mojave Desert, California. pp. 189-205 in Enzel, Y., S. G. Wells, and N. Lancaster. Paleoenvironments and paleohydrology of the Mojave and southern Great Basin deserts. Geological Society of America Special Paper 368. Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America, 2003.

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Wilson, Scott D., and Joyce W. Belcher. 1989. Plant and Bord Communities of Native Prairie and Intriduced Eurasion Vegetation in Manitobe, Canada. Conservation Biology. 3(1):39-44.

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   Locations referred to by this literature:

Wulfenstein, Gary. 2008. pers. comm. Subject: Re: Question about San Rafael Swell -- Summerville Point Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 22:17:06 -0600 From: To: Tom Schweich References: <48EC152D.8090206@schweich.com> Tom, Our information places Summerville Point at or about 39.183335° -110.463349°. At least it is on this ridge. Access to the ridge can be found from a spur off the cut off road on Dry Mesa. This is a rough ATV road but well worth the view to be had. Feel free to e-mail pictures of the area. I looked around and I have not been able to find any in our files. --Gary Wulfenstein

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Zomlefer, Wendy B., Walter S. Judd, W. Mark Whitten, Norris H. Williams. 2006. A Synopsis of Melanthiaceae (Liliales) with Focus on Character Evolution in the Tribe Melanthiaeae. Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany. 22(1):44. Date retrieved: 22 October 2020, http://scholarship.claremont.edu/aliso/vol22/iss1/44

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Zuza, Andrew V., and Wenrong Cao. 2023. Metamorphic Core Complex Dichotomy in the North American Cordillera Explained by Buoyant Upwelling in Variably Thick Crust. GSA Today. 33. Link to external document.

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